ÖSD (Österreichisches Sprachdiplom)
The Austrian German Diploma (“Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch – ÖSD”) is a state-recognized examination system for German as a foreign or second language and aims at people learning German in Austria and beyond.
ÖSD C-Test Anchoring
So far, anchor tests consisting of four areas, namely Listening, Reading, Speaking, and Writing, have been used to ensure that the difficulty level of different tests stays the same over different test sessions.
Since this test type requires a lot of time and effort, C-Tests are to be used as anchor tests. A C-Test is an integrative written test of general language proficiency in one’s mother tongue or foreign language and is based on the concept of reduced redundancy. These tests are easier to develop and consequently also more economical in administration and evaluation.
After an initial pilot testing and a follow-up administration in order to increase variance, correlation coefficients between the C-Tests and current ÖSD test forms were calculated. In addition, dimensionality analyses were conducted in order to ensure test validity. Based on the results, LTC provides the infrastructure for establishing a Rasch-calibrated ÖSD and C-Test item bank.
project title
Entwicklung eines Ankerverfahrens für Text-Parallelformen auf den Niveaus der Prüfungen des Österreichischen Sprachdiploms
Zur Erleichterung der Herstellung von Paralleltestformen für das Österreichische Sprachdiplom wird ein Ankerungsverfahren entwickelt, das auf deutschen C-Tests beruht. Nach Entwicklung einer C-Testsuite, die alle Niveaus des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens umfasst, wird im Rahmen von Probetestungen die Korrelation zwischen C-Tests und Prüfungen der einzelnen ÖSD-Niveaus ermittelt. Die Ankerung erfolgt auf regressionsanalytischem Weg.
keywords: Sprachtestforschung und -entwicklung
project lead: Günther Sigott
period: 01.10.2008 – 31.10.2009
ÖSD Item Bank
In order to ensure flexibility and increase validity and reliability in the construction and administration of ÖSD exams as well as monitoring item development across time, the anchoring procedure developed by LTC is to serve as a basis for the construction of a Rasch-calibrated ÖSD item bank. A multi-stage cyclical process is run through from item production through administration, analysis, and archiving.
After newly produced ÖSD test forms are administered together with a set of anchor items, the test data is Rasch-analyzed and items with satisfactory parameters are imported into the item bank. In a further step, the item statistics are exported to an item management system (IMS), where items together with a number of content as well as psychometric parameters are archived. Moreover, the IMS enables online item generation, feedback, and moderation as well as final test (booklet) production on a common platform.
When accessing the item management system, item writers are able to create, retrieve, or change, items. After item moderation, supervisors are able to either discard items or select them to create new test forms according to a number of variables (difficulty, topic, construct areas covered, etc.).
Once new test forms have been produced via the IMS in order to be used in ÖSD certification exams, the cycle starts anew and they are administered together with a set of Rasch-calibrated anchor items.
In the long run, LTC aims at using the calibrated item bank to assist in a standard-setting procedure and thus in the linking of the ÖSD tests to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
project title
Aufbau einer ÖSD-Itembank
Weiterentwicklung eines Ankertestverfahrens für Parallelformen und Aufbau einer kalibrierten C-Test Itembank auf den Niveaus der Prüfungen des österreichischen Sprachdiploms.
keyword: Sprachtestforschung
project lead: Günther Sigott
period: 01.11.2009 – 31.10.2010

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan