Key areas of research
The geographies of industrial dynamics
In terms of space, economic activity is distributed unevenly. In order to explain this inequitable development, this area of research focuses on industrial dynamics. Industrial dynamics comprise the shifts in technologies, markets, products, and companies in systems based on the division of labour. These transformations lead to highly distinctive spatial characteristics of industries. Our current areas of investigation range from the wind turbine industry to art markets.
This area of research is associated with the research clusters Sustainability and Energy Management and Energy Technology established at the university.
Contact: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Max-Peter Menzel, Dr. Jack Harris
Critical urban and regional research
The research area draws on approaches from critical geography to study spatial inequalities, conflicts, but also alternatives and utopias of urban and regional development. Current research topics include the transformations of urban and rural spaces, technical and social infrastructures, effects of financialisation, changes in the housing market, and issues of political mobilisation and collective memory.
This area of research is associated with the research cluster Sustainability established at the university.
Contact: Felicitas Kübler, Dr. Michael Mießner, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Naumann
Didactics of geography
In terms of content, didactics of geography as specialist subject didactics and scientific discipline centres on competence-oriented teaching and learning about geographical and socio-economic issues, both at school and in non-school settings. The object of geographic didactic research is the empirical generation of intersubjectively verifiable knowledge. This knowledge encompasses the prerequisites, the goals and relevance, the processes and instruments as well as the consequences of geographic learning and teaching in lessons on geography and economics.
This area of research is associated with the research cluster Educational Research established at the university.
Contact: Sen. Lecturer Myriam Albrecht, M.ED., Sen. Lecturer Mag. Horst Kanzian
Research on humans and the environment from a physical-geographical perspective
Current interactions between humankind and the natural environment are increasing the complexity of ecosystems. Hence, we seek to make essential empirical and modelling contributions in relation to the interaction between the human and the natural environment, with a particular focus on three pronounced cross-disciplinary fields of research, specifically Terrestrial Ecohydrology, Environmental Health and System Science Applications.
This area of research is associated with the research clusters Self-Organizing Systems and Sustainability established at the university.
Contact: Dr. Glenda Garcia-Santos
Geographic data science and its application
Geographical data science is an emerging field within geoinformation processing that uses traditional multivariate methods and data mining for Big Data, as well as the latest methods in artificial intelligence and machine learning, in order to construct and apply geographical models. Our research efforts centre on the development of methods as well as on their implementation and application. The research team is specifically concerned with modelling the potential of renewable energy sources, digital image processing of satellite data, agent-based modelling and the prediction of and scenario generation for structures and processes in diverse geosystems.
This area of research is associated with the research clusters Energy Management and Energy Technology and Self-Organizing Systems established at the university.
Contact: Dr. Peter Mandl
Geomorphology and Socio-Environmental Research
To find out about Kirsten v. Elverfeldt’s key research areas please visit
Contact: Dr. Kirsten von Elverfeldt
For a comprehensive list of all research projects undertaken by the Department of Geography and Regional Research, please consult the university’s Research Information System (FoDok).

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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
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