Cotutelle de thèse
A cotutelle de thèse is a binational doctoral procedure that results in the awarding of a joint doctorate by two cooperating universities. Doctoral candidates write their thesis and complete the coursework within the framework of study visits at both universities, which in terms of duration are distributed as equally as possible. Such procedure is based on a contract individually concluded between the two partner universities.
In order to pursue your doctoral studies at the University of Klagenfurt within the framework of a cotutelle agreement, you must be admitted as a regular student, i. e. you must have completed the regular admission process within the deadlines. When planning your study visits, please note that the admission process can take approximately two months.
- consent of a qualified supervisor (with a suitable venia docendi) of each partner university concerning the implementation of a cotutelle agreement;
- proof of existing or planned research cooperation between the partner universities (e.g., joint research areas, Erasmus agreements, third-party funded projects);
- The doctoral candidate must submit the application timely to ensure that the study visits at both partner universities can be divided as equally as possible. Given a regular study duration of three years, at least two semesters must be spent at each partner university. We recommend submitting the application right after the completed admission process to the doctoral degree programme.
Content of the application
- names of the foreign partner university, the doctoral candidate, the supervisors (one at each university) and the administrative coordinator at the foreign partner university
- proof of status and academic progress in the doctoral degree programme (study record, “Studienerfolgsnachweis”)
- proof of an existing or planned research collaboration between the partner universities
- time schedule (information on the distribution of study visits between the partner universities)
Please send the application including all required documents to cotutelle [at] aau [dot] at. The evaluation process may take up to two months. After the approval of the application, of which you will be informed, the relevant units of the two partner universities will take up contract negotiations. The cotutelle agreement enters into force as soon as the individual contract has been signed by all parties involved in the process (including the Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Klagenfurt).
Mag. Lena di Gaspero (Legal Services Office)

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan