Alpen-Adria-Universität und Raiffeisen setzen erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit fort

Rektor Oliver Vitouch, Christopher Weiss und Manuela Glaser unterzeichneten im Beisein von Vorstandsdirektor Georg Messner einen neuen Kooperationsvertrag über die Gesamtsumme von 80.000 Euro.

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Grasslands hold potential for increased food production

Managing grazing on grasslands in a more efficient way could significantly increase global milk and meat production or free up land for other uses.

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China: CO₂ footprint of wealthy households reaches European level

Between 2007 and 2012 the overall CO2 footprint of Chinese households increased by 19 per cent. 75 per cent of this gain can be attributed to increased levels of consumption by the middle classes and the wealthy. The top income groups have now reached the level of the average European, while two thirds of the population remain on the very lowest level. As a result of the changing Chinese lifestyles, there is now a need for political interventions, in order to manage the impact on climate change. A recent publication in Nature Climate Change explores these developments.

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Lucky 8: What effect do price-endings have in Asia?

While prices in the Western world tend to end in 0, 5 or 9, many prices in Asia end in the number 8. A new study has explored the effects of the “lucky number” 8 in pricing practices.

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