Green Supercomputing: Processing large data volumes more energy-efficiently

Vast quantities of data also signify huge energy consumption. Developers face the task of processing so-called “massive graphs”, i.e. enormous amounts of information and relationships between information nodes, and they have to do this in times when energy is in increasingly short supply. For almost a year, researchers involved in an EU Horizon project have been working on a holistic model to address the ongoing challenges. The goal is, among other things, an energy label for software codes (just like on refrigerators).

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Klaus Schöffmann wins Lifelog Search Challenge 2023

Multimedia researchers around the world are seeking ways to improve the search for content in large image and video pools. Similar to a Grand Slam tournament in tennis, the Video Browser Showdown or the Lifelog Search Challenge is an important competition geared specifically towards these research teams. The world’s best teams compete to see who is the quickest and most accurate at finding what they are looking for. Klaus Schöffmann, associate professor at the Department of Information Technology at the University of Klagenfurt, emerged as the winner of the Lifelog Search Challenge on 12 June 2023.

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The best game ideas to compete high up in the mountains: HüttenJam at 1,700 metres above sea level

This year, the Alpine village Turrach is the venue for the HüttenJam, which is jointly organised by the Game Development Graz Association and the University of Klagenfurt. Creative game developers will meet there from 13 to 16 April 2023 to brainstorm new game concepts over the course of 48 hours.  

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Bitmovin and the University of Klagenfurt start €3.3million climate-friendly video streaming platform research project ‘GAIA.’

Bitmovin, a leading provider of video streaming infrastructure, and the University of Klagenfurt announced they will collaborate on a two-year joint research project worth €3.3million to develop a climate-friendly adaptive video streaming platform called ‘GAIA’. The Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) will co-fund the project, providing an initial €460,000 in funding for the first year. 

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