Tag Archive for: MA-MCM

Insights into KuWi teaching… 3 questions for Raj Sethia

In a globalised world students must be able to understand intercultural characteristics. People from all over the world are working together in companies. Without competencies in the field of interculturality you cannot keep up. The course Intercultural Management of Project Teams focusses on leading, managing and creating in teams with an intercultural and multilingual background.

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Media and Convergence Management: The perfect blend for a unique degree programme

Media and technology are transforming our lives. The blurring of boundaries in the TIMES sector (Technology, Information, Media, Entertainment and Security) requires sound cross-sector expertise. The English-language Master’s degree programme in Media and Convergence Management provides students with knowledge in the fields of cultural studies, media studies, economics and technical sciences and thus provides the best possible preparation for their future careers. Rebecca Scheiber opted for this unique Master’s programme and tells us about her experience of studying and about tackling change in a responsible and creative way.

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From Cape Town to Klagenfurt: In conversation with advertising photographer Daniel Waschnig

Daniel Waschnig originally comes from Cape Town in South Africa but has been living and working in Klagenfurt for 10 years. The advertising photographer holds a bachelor’s degree in Media and Communications and is currently studying for a master’s degree in Media and Convergence Management. He tells us how his studies helped him to turn his hobby into his profession, what it means to be an advertising photographer and what still connects him to the AAU today.

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Claudia Felsberger: Ich wollte schon immer Medienwissenschaften studieren

Unsere Absolventin Claudia Felsberger ist Redakteurin bei Futter, dem jungen Magazin der Kleinen Zeitung. Schon zu Schulzeiten war für sie klar: Sie will Medienwissenschaften studieren und ein Auslandssemester machen. Diese Bedingungen erfüllte die Universität Klagenfurt und so absolvierte sie Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften sowie Anglistik- und Amerikanistik im Bachelor und Media and Convergence Management im Master. Bereits zu Studienzeiten begann Sie für die Kleine Zeitung zu arbeiten. Read more