Testimonials Bachelor Applied Informatics

Tag Archive for: BA-AINF

New research project: 20 to 30 per cent more energy efficiency for the metal processing industry thanks to artificial intelligence

The metal processing industry requires a considerable amount of energy, especially for sawing, grinding and milling. Using artificial intelligence methods, researchers are now hoping to increase efficiency by 20 to 30 per cent. The SAELING project is realised jointly by the University of Klagenfurt, the KU Leuven and the industrial partners Voestalpine and Siemens and is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG at a cost of around 1.2 million euros.

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University meets Industry: Talents for Carinthia

“University meets Industry: Talents for Carinthia” is an event hosted by the Faculty of Technical Sciences (TEWI) and the Federation of Austrian Industries Carinthia. At the event, successful cooperation projects between university and industry will be presented. Students of technical degree programmes, employees of the Faculty, and Carinthian companies will have the opportunity to network in order to further strengthen their cooperation and lay the foundations for new partnerships. Read more

Life-saving knowledge: New technology sifts through surgical videos

Most endoscopic operations generate videos that are of interest to other surgeons. How were difficulties overcome? What worked well, what didn’t? At what point did preventable mistakes occur? Answers to these questions can be life-saving for the person on the operating table. Researchers at the University of Klagenfurt are working on making huge pools of surgical videos easier to sift through, so that both future surgeons and seasoned surgical staff can learn from them more effectively.

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Automatic detection of online insults

Hate speech in the digital sphere has the potential to silence voices and thereby threaten democracy. But hate is not always expressed through swear words online; implicit insults are also ubiquitous. Tracking these down efficiently by technical means, however, is extremely challenging. Michael Wiegand is currently working on the “Recognition of Implicit Insults” in a project funded by the FWF.

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