New technology to predict interference in wireless networks

If two musicians were to play at the same concert venue simultaneously, it would not only sound terrible, but it would also be impossible to understand the song lyrics. The same is true whenever huge volumes of data is exchanged between sensors nodes. Mahin Atiq is working to predict the associated interference that arise in wireless networks.

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“The Game is the Mode of our Time“

Irrespective of whichever part of the world we are currently regarding, everything appears to be becoming more playful in the estimation of literary scholar and games researcher Felix Schniz, who is working as a PreDoc Scientist at the Department of English and American Studies while pursuing his doctoral degree. In his studies, he explores the experiences that are gained while playing video games.

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Supermarket Home Delivery Efficiency Increased by 10 Per Cent

Delivery services by supermarket chains are on the fast track, with retail customers readily taking advantage of the option to have their everyday grocery needs delivered to their home within a defined time slot. For the chain stores, online retail activities involve a vast effort in terms of logistics, with much to lose, but also much to gain. A team of mathematicians at the Alpen-Adria-Universität, assembled by optimisation expert Philipp Hungerländer, has succeeded in increasing the efficiency of the delivery routes of a global retail brand in England by more than 10 per cent. As a result, the corporation has reduced its costs by several million Euros per year.

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Neue Lernplattform für das Schreiben in einer Fremdsprache

Geht es darum, in einer Fremdsprache eine Bewerbung, ein Reklamationsschreiben oder einen Leserbrief zu verfassen, kommt bei vielen Unbehagen auf. Eine neu entwickelte Lernplattform mit dem Titel „Wrilab2“ soll dem nun mit speziell entwickelten Übungsprogrammen für das Schreiben in den Fremdsprachen Tschechisch, Deutsch, Italienisch und Slowenisch Abhilfe schaffen. Unterstützt wurde das Projekt von der Europäischen Kommission (Lifelong Learning Programme).

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