“Technological development does not tend to be the object of democratic processes of negotiation.”

Do we control technology, or does technology control us? Which processes push our technological progress forward? And, with this question in mind, who or what is crucial for determining the shape of the world of tomorrow? The science and technology scientist Daniel Barben joins ad astra in the Sonnepark St. Veit/Glan for a glance into the future.

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Neuerscheinung! Bernhard Wieser: How Genes Matter. Genetic Medicine as Subjectivisation Practices

Understanding the significance of genetic factors for our lives requires an analysis that goes beyond biological aspects. It is especially necessary to take into account how human beings relate to others and to themselves. Who we are is a result of social action and the ways in which human beings constitute themselves as subjects. Seen from this perspective, genetic medicine is a social practice that shapes how we think about us, how we conduct our behaviour and how we care for our children.

This book scrutinises practices by which individuals become knowledgeable about their genes and constitute them as responsible decision makers.

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Wissenschaft, Technik und Gesellschaft im Fokus

Viele zentrale Zukunftsfragen unserer Gegenwart, ob Energieversorgung oder Digitalisierung, beziehen sich auf Wissenschaft, Technik und Innovation. Im Wintersemester 2016/17 startet dazu ein neues Masterstudium „Science, Technology & Society Studies“.

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