Machines that can feel, act and work with one another

Industry 4.0. The Internet of Things. These are buzzwords for a development that is being championed by many national economies. Tasks that are today carried out by humans, such as operating industrial plants, driving a car or organising energy networks, will increasingly be done by machines in future. The first stone in this new development has been laid, and now work is commencing on the next generation of these systems.

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Auf der Suche nach der optimalen Lösung: Neues Grundlagenforschungsprojekt

Bei vielen mathematischen Problemstellungen aus Energiewirtschaft, Telekommunikation, Big Data oder Logistik geht es darum, eine optimale Lösung zu finden. Manche dieser Herausforderungen lassen sich mathematisch als so genannte binäre quadratische Probleme mit linearen Nebenbedingungen formulieren. Die Mathematikerin Angelika Wiegele leitet nun seit kurzem ein Forschungsprojekt, das sich dieser Probleme annimmt.

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Controlling drones: The passion to simplify what is complicated

For her doctoral thesis, Ekaterina Peshkova worked on a natural and intuitive mode of interaction between humans and drones. She expects to complete her work in Klagenfurt this April.

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Efficient time synchronization of sensor networks by means of time series analysis

Wireless sensor networks have many applications, ranging from industrial process automation to environmental monitoring. Researchers at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt have recently developed a time synchronization technique and have carried out experimental performance testing. The method developed learns the behavior of the sensor clocks, making it particularly efficient in terms of energy and computational resources.

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