Roland Mittermeir Award 2023 of the Faculty of Technical Sciences

We congratulate Franziska Hollauf, the winner of the Roland Mittermeir Award 2023, who impressed us with her Master’s thesis, ‘ Representation and Computation of Time-Cost Trade-offs for Composed Services.

The thesis can be accessed via the following link:

The best Master’s thesis of all studies of 2023 was honored with the Roland Mittermeir Award at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. The Ceremony took place on November 28, 2024, together with the TEWI Best Performer Awards 2023/2024 in the Stiftungssaal at the University of Klagenfurt. The Förderverein Technische Fakultät (FTF) donated this monetary prize to honor the achievement of the award winner.

Employees, students, companions, and graduates of the University of Klagenfurt were invited to the award ceremony in the Stiftungssaal of the University of Klagenfurt. The prizes were presented by Michael Kollienz from Raiffeisenbank Kärnten, Chairman of the FTF, and Prof. Bernhard Rinner, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences.

The FTF annually honors the best Master’s thesis with the Roland Mittermeir Award. Graduates from all technical disciplines can submit their Master’s thesis for this award, provided it has been graded as ‘excellent’. The Roland Mittermeir Award is endowed with 1,500 euros. In addition to the cash prize, the winner received a backpack sponsored by Raiffeisenbank Kärnten and filled with goodies from the University of Klagenfurt.

More about the event and all winners:

Best Performer Awards 2023/2024 of the Faculty of Technical Sciences

We congratulate Julian Lechner BSc., who works as a study assistant in our research group, Information & Communication Systems, to the Best Performer Award 2023/2024. The best students in the technical degree programs at the University of Klagenfurt were selected for the Best Performer Awards. The ECTS credits and grades of all assessments of an academic year were counted to evaluate academic performance. The prizes, 500 euros per award-winner, were donated by the Förderverein Technische Fakultät (FTF) and the Faculty of Technical Sciences. Julian Lechner BSc. performed best in the Bachelor’s degree program 2023/2024 in Applied Computer Science.

Staff, students, and graduates of the University of Klagenfurt were invited to the award ceremony on November 28, 2024, in the Stiftungssaal of the University of Klagenfurt alongside the award winners and their companions. The prizes were presented by Michael Kollienz from Raiffeisenbank Kärnten, Chairman of the FTF, and Prof. Bernhard Rinner, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences.

More about the event and all winners:

Stephan Pölzl completes his Master’s studies

The Department of Informatics Systems congratulates Stephan Pölzl on his successful defence of his Master’s thesis and completion of his studies!

In his Master’s thesis “Investigating Users’ Mid-Air Spatial Memory” (supervised by David Ahlström) Stephan Pölzl explores the potential of in-air pointing as an input technique in head-mounted display settings and how well people can point at and select invisible targets located in the air in their surroundings. In Stephan’s user experiment, participants used a VR/AR head-mounted display and learned and memorized in-air target locations in repeated practice rounds. After the practice rounds, the participants had to point at and select the corresponding in-air locations without seeing the targets. On average, participants could estimate the correct (invisible) target locations with 10-12 centimetres accuracy.

Stephan Pölzl’s work and find­ings con­tri­bute to a better understanding of people’s (in-air) pointing abilities, which in turn can help when designing future pointing-based applications for head-mounted displays.

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