Thema für eine Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit: Dark Pattern against Privacy

“Dark Patterns” sind manipulative Designstrategien auf Webseiten oder Apps, die Nutzer dazu bringen, unerwünschte Handlungen auszuführen, wie z.B. mehr Daten preiszugeben oder unerwünschte Abonnements abzuschließen. In diesem Projekt sollen Dark Patterns speziell im Hinblick auf Datenschutz klassifiziert und bestehende Taxonomien angepasst werden, um ihren Einfluss auf den Datenschutz besser zu verstehen. Zusätzlich wird die Verbreitung solcher Praktiken in Österreich untersucht und eine erste rechtliche Einschätzung zu deren Compliance mit Datenschutzgesetzen vorgenommen.

Bei Interesse melden Sie sich bitte bei Frau Jasmin Wachter (jasmin [dot] wachter [at] aau [dot] at)!

The Peter P. Chen Award goes to Heinrich C. Mayr

Heinrich C. Mayr, an emeritus colleague at the AICS, former rector of the University of Klagenfurt and president of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), was honored 2024 with the prestigious Peter P. Chen Award for his outstanding contributions in the field of conceptual modelling during his 45-year scientific career. He is the first scientist based in Austria to receive this award, which is presented annually by the international computer science community to recognize excellence in conceptual modeling. The jury cited his extensive research work, his extensive contributions to applications, his international reputation, and his exemplary commitment to conceptual modeling, including his active involvement in the ER conference and his foundational work in establishing the EMISA group and the “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” series.

Heinrich C. Mayr has also been recognized for his significant service to the computer science community, including his roles as financial vice-president and president of the GI, as well as his work in teaching and the establishment of an IT degree program. The list of his international functions and academic positions is long. Among others, he is an honorary doctor of the Technical University of Kharkiv, Honoured Professor of Science at Kherson State University, recipient of the Golden Medal of the City of Klagenfurt and the Grand Medal of Honour of the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce.

He enjoyed teaching and supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate students. His university was always close to his heart. Until today, he continues to research and publish in the areas of modelling, design and implementation of user-centred application architectures and customer-centred, accessible, effective and sustainable software and services, following the principle: “There is nothing more practical than a good theory”.

Joboffer – Project researcher predoctoral

The Department of Artificial Intelligence  & Cybersecurity (AICS) is pleased to announce the following open position at the research group “Intelligent Systems and Business Informatics.” Expected starting date: September 1, 2024

Internship @Infineon

Master Thesis at Infineon, Villach – Job Offer

All details to be found here: Infineon-Internship-Planning.