News published by the University of Klagenfurt concerning the Department of History

Studying History: Every epoch has its own “magic”

Maximilian Happerger is studying in the English and History to become a teacher. The 24-year-old from St. Veit talks to us about his studies, funny anecdotes and the beginning of studying. In this interview, he tells us how his view of the world has changed through his studies and why Graz and Krems were not the right places for him.

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Studying History and Slavonic studies: “The experience you can gain here is priceless!“

The Carinthian Denise Branz has Slovenian roots. That was one of the reasons for her to study History and Slavonic Studies at the AAU. When asked why she didn’t decide to study to become a teacher, she laughs: “I am simply not a teacher”. In this interview, she tells us what particularly excites her about her studies and why the excursions to Tunisia and Libya will remain in her memory.

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Römisches am Straßenrand: Neuer Sammelband zu römischen Steindenkmälern im Alpen-Adria-Raum

Viel häufiger als man auf den ersten Blick vermuten würde, sind wir von steinernen antiken Zeitzeugnissen umgeben. Ein Kooperationsprojekt zwischen Klagenfurt, Udine und Ljubljana beschäftigt sich mit Neufunden, Neulesungen und Interpretationen epigraphischer und ikonographischer Monumente. Der Klagenfurter Sammelband der Reihe „Studia Alpium et Adriae“ stellt nun Beispiele aus allen drei Ländern vor.

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