Self-fulfilling prophecies: What causes a bank to fail?

We talk about self-fulfilling prophecies when something we have predicted comes true as a result of our conscious and unconscious actions. Jack Bryson, university assistant in the Ada Lovelace Programme, is using modelling and simulations to find out which social science phenomena can cause banks to fail. 

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The predictor of the future

Witesyavwirwa Vianney Kambale can predict the future, and he can do it without using a crystal ball. Working in the “Transportation Informatics” research group at the Department of Smart Systems Technologies, this doctoral student uses data from yesterday and today to look ahead to tomorrow.

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The brown scent of coffee: Doctoral student investigates the language of smells

Can you smell it too, the brown scent of coffee or the black odour of smoke? Julia Salzinger is a doctoral student at the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Klagenfurt and is investigating the expressions we use to describe smells in English.

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Do decisions turn out better when they are taken by multiple people?

What happens when strategic decisions are not reached in the boardroom, but by a large number of stakeholders? Ali Banihashemi models the long-term impact of open strategy on companies and institutions. He has no doubt: “In the future, we will have to rely on open decision-making processes.”  

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