News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Shaping digital creativity – with laptops, smartphones and other technology

Christian Kruschitz is researching how companies use digital media and applications to shape the workplace, by looking at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) currently undergoing digital transformations in Carinthia, Austria.

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Allow us to introduce: Fräulein Flora

Eva Krallinger-Gruber, from Salzburg, studied Journalism and Communication Studies at AAU. She has worked in France, Belgium, America and Switzerland. Now she is her own boss, and spends her time showing what Salzburg has to offer in the online city magazine ‘Fräulein Floras Favourite Hangouts’. She runs the blog together with her husband and is planning to publish her own magazine soon. In the interview she explains why she chose to study in Klagenfurt and what advice she would give to students today. Read more

Neues Masterstudium Game Studies & Engineering

An der Alpen-Adria-Universität in Klagenfurt startet im Herbst 2017 ein österreichweit einzigartiges Masterstudium zu “Game Studies & Engineering”. Die Anmeldefrist läuft von 1. Mai bis 31. August 2017. 35 Studienplätze stehen zur Verfügung. Read more

Sommerferienbetreuung 2017

Auch in diesem Jahr wird die Sommerferienbetreuung des Familienservice 5 Wochen lang (31. Juli bis 1. September) angeboten. Das Angebot richtet sich vorrangig an Kinder von universitätsangehörigen Personen. Read more