News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Reason cast in equations

Casting the rational behaviour of individuals in mathematical models and learning from these for use in reality: Daniel Rehsmann recently completed his doctorate in microeconomics and, among other things, he explored the conditions under which it is rational to spread misinformation.

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Video game pioneers introduce themselves to students in Klagenfurt

Headlined “Press Start: Your Journey into Game Development”, seven representatives of the games industry will meet students on Friday, 12 April 2024 in the Omansaal located in the foyer of the University of Klagenfurt. This career event is geared primarily towards students enrolled in the Master’s degree programme in Game Studies and Engineering, but is also open to anyone else who is interested.

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Compulsory education: “The discussion is not really about the young people but rather about other interests.”

In Austria, there is not only a training guarantee for minors, but also a training obligation: all young people must complete an apprenticeship, a training programme or similar measures after completing compulsory schooling if they do not attend secondary school. In his recently published postdoctoral thesis, Alban Knecht investigates the following questions: How does labour market policy support young people entering the labour market? And where does it tend to hinder them? He has analysed political discourses and institutional changes in the promotion of employment and labour market policy for disadvantaged young people in Austria.

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Playing with the digital human

Whenever Tom Tuček talks about the world, he invariably needs to specify: Are we talking about the real world or virtual worlds? A doctoral student at the Department of Information Technology, he is currently investigating digital humans, i.e. virtual characters such as those we encounter in video games. Tom Tuček would like to find out how contact with digital humans equipped with new artificial intelligence affects players.

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