Instagram-News published by the University of Klagenfurt

Klagenfurt-based researcher Samira Hayat is one of the 10 “Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications”

Samira Hayat is currently a member of the Lakeside Labs GmbH research team. Hayat completed her doctorate at the University of Klagenfurt and has contributed to numerous research projects aimed at the ongoing development of drones as well as the use of 5G networks for drone networks. Samira Hayat is the first researcher based in Austria to make it onto the prestigious list of “Rising Stars in Computer Networking and Communications”.

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Klagenfurt student Sebastian Uitz plans to launch a start-up for computer game development featuring feel-good games

Sebastian Uitz has played games on the computer from a very early age. Supported by a grant from the Carinthian Economic Development Fund KWF, he is now turning this passion into his business model. Together with two colleagues, he is building an innovative computer game that revolves around a spider and its distinctive climbing and web-building abilities. This so-called “wholesome game” is expected to be available on the international games market from mid-2023 onwards. By then, the team also hopes to have set up its own company.

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Fair algorithms

Those who have data often also wield power. Miriam Fahimi is a doctoral student at the Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC) and is working on the social effects that result from algorithms.

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Calculating the source of a sound

Where do you place sensors so that they pinpoint the source of a sound as accurately as possible? To answer this question, we need mathematics. Phuoc Truong Huynh is a doctoral student working on solutions required in many fields of application.

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