38th EGOS Colloquium 2022 European Group for Organizational Studies, July 7-9, 2022, Vienna

Frau Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Martina Ukowitz war mit dem Thema “Between enagagement and reluctance. Path creation as a balancing act in interorganizational collaboration” an dem 38th EGOS Colloquium 2022 vertreten.

Dieser Vortrag gehörte zum Sub-Theme 46: Opportunities for Path Creation: Practices and Processes of Interorganizational Collaboration

Hier ein kurzer Abstract:
In the face of complex societal challenges, collaboration across organizations has been recognized as a promising approach to reach future-proof perspectives and promising solutions – at least in theory. In practice, not seldom interorganizational collaboration reveals as a long and hard road to go. Particularly the establishment of interorganizational relations appears as critical. At the background of an initiative in the education sector, three interrelated aspects are investigated: the awareness of organizational issues and the will to deal with them, the significance of power relations, and questions of legitimation. From a process-oriented perspective, the establishment phase appears as a balancing act that requires reflexivity and, following Aristotle’s mesotes-concept, the competence to find the right middle between proactive engagement and reluctance.


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General Theme

Program 2022