Graduate Tracking (ATRACK)
What career opportunities are available with a degree from the University of Klagenfurt? How long do graduates spend looking for a job, which sectors do they work in, and how much do they earn?
Graduate tracking (ATRACK) provides insights into the career entry and employment trajectories of graduates based on register and social security data. ATRACK can be used to compile data on labour market integration, career paths and income, with the population comprising all degree completions for the academic years 2008/09 to 2020/21 (as of July 2023). Funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Research using structural funds dedicated to the Higher Education sphere, this project has been implemented in cooperation with Austrian universities since 2017. ATRACK has been organised as a consortium since 2022.
Further information on the data base as well as explanations and definitions can be found in the explanatory notes accompanying the results.
Source: Statistics Austria, Graduate tracking (as of 13 July 2023).
Status in the Austrian labour market
In a national comparison, the employment rate of graduates from the University of Klagenfurt is relatively high, standing at 73 % (Bachelor), 83 % (Master), 78 % (Diploma) and 81 % (Doctorate/PhD) three years after graduation.
Three years after graduation, 53 % of Bachelor’s, 61 % of Master’s, 67 % of Diploma and 63 % of Doctorate/PhD graduates in Austria are gainfully employed and 3 % (Bachelor’s), 2 % (Master’s), 5 % (Diploma) and 9 % (Doctorate/PhD) are self-employed. 23 % (Bachelor), 24 % (Master), 8 % (Diploma) and 11 % (Doctorate) of graduates are abroad – no further information is available on this group.
Only 3.4 % of Bachelor’s graduates, 2 % of Master’s graduates, 3.5 % of Diploma graduates and 1.9 % of Doctoral graduates are registered as unemployed at this time. A further 14 % (Bachelor), 10 % (Master), 15 % (Diploma) and 13 % (Doctorate/PhD) of graduates are registered in Austria but are, for example, on parental leave, have resumed their studies in Austria or are temporarily working/studying abroad without having officially deregistered their residence in Austria.
Career entry after graduation
Graduates of the University of Klagenfurt are generally able to enter the labour market directly.
While, on average (median), graduates with a Bachelor’s degree have a job after just one month, Diploma graduates are gainfully employed after two months and Master’s graduates after just one week. Graduates of Doctoral/PhD programmes commence their employment before completing their studies.
Sectors in the labour market
The figures show the top 5 sectors (ÖNACE 2008) employing graduates from the University of Klagenfurt three years after graduation, including their gross monthly income*.
Whereas graduates with Bachelor’s degrees work primarily in public administration (10 %) and social services (9 %), Diploma graduates work mainly in social services (14 %), followed by public administration (11 %).** Retirement and nursing homes rank third among the latter at 7%.
Earning an average gross monthly income of 2,996 €, 7 % of Master’s graduates work in public administration (judiciary, ministries, state hospitals, etc.), with financial services, auditing and tax consultancy as well as social services each holding an equally high share of 7 %. 26 % of graduates from Doctoral/PhD programmes are employed in the tertiary/post-secondary education sector – their average gross monthly income* is 4,004 €.**
* Average gross monthly income (median) for salaried full-time employment
** No data is shown for case numbers <= 30 (n.a.)
Results for income
The starting salaries of graduates of the University of Klagenfurt three years after graduation are 2,753 € (Bachelor), 3,240 € (Master), 2,833 € (Diploma) and 4,554 € (Doctorate/PhD) gross per month on average.
5 years after graduation, earnings rise to 2,915 € for graduates with a Bachelor’s degree, 3,583 € for graduates with a Master’s degree, 3,098 € for graduates with a Diploma degree and 4,972 € for graduates with a Doctorate/PhD.
Johannes Ladstätter Bakk. B.A. M.A.
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E qm [at] aau [dot] at

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