General Pedagogy and Diversity Education
Diversity plays a central role in upbringing, learning, and education – it is always a matter of seeking and finding a bridge from the known and familiar to the new and unfamiliar. Every learning effort, every pedagogical intervention, and every educational endeavor requires people to question the familiar and to engage with the new – be it children or young people and adults, pupils and teachers, social groups, linguistic minorities and majorities, ethnic groups and nations.
Different approaches and topics converge in the field of “General Pedagogy and Diversity Education”. What they have in common is the perception and critical reflection of the conditions of upbringing, learning, and education of people and social groups in their diversity and particularity. The problems arising due to social and school inclusion along various lines of difference (language, origin, socio-economic conditions, gender, culture, religion, disability/giftedness) are not considered in isolation from each other, but are related through approaches of intercultural learning and transcultural models of understanding.
- Sekretariat
- +43 463 2700 1204
- Diana [dot] Olip-Lipusch [at] aau [dot] at
Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Friday
10:00 – 12:00
Our main research areas are:
- Upbringing, education, learning, socialization
- School and social inclusion
- Multilingualism and language education – multilingualism from an interdisciplinary perspective
- Inter- and transcultural education
- Migration and society
- Bilingual and multilingual upbringing and education in minority areas
- Identity formation and memory culture
- Transnational perspectives in the Alps-Adriatic region
- Conviviality from both a local and a global perspective
- Conflict research and peace education
- Interreligious dialogue

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan