Tag Archive for: people 2/2017

Auf Wanderschaft durch literarische Klangwelten

Rebecca Unterberger arbeitet zur Klanglichkeit in der Literatur. Sie möchte wissen, was uns an literarischen Texten einnimmt. Ihr aktuelles Untersuchungsobjekt sind Texte von Gert Jonke.

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Herzlich willkommen, liebe Freshmen!

Jedes Jahr beginnen rund 2.200 neue Studierende ein Studium an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. ad astra hat drei Erstsemestrige, so genannte „Freshmen“, getroffen.

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In the cosmos of… Helmut Haberl

My cosmos is a house in Maria Anzbach on the western edge of the Vienna Woods. The beauty of the location and the surrounding garden were important motives for the relocation away from Vienna. I grew up in a rural area in Garsten, Upper Austria. When I turned 40, it dawned on me that I could no longer bear to live in a big city and that I needed to change my residential environment. I bought the house in 2011, together with my sister. It was in a pretty desperate state, and we renovated it from the ground floor to the roof.

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