Tag Archive for: BA-IBEC

From Chemistry to International Business and Economics

What does a chemist do when she realises that she doesn’t enjoy working in a lab? She takes up International Business and Economics at the University of Klagenfurt and gains the necessary tools to enter a managerial position – perhaps in a chemical company – in the future.  Janna Despriet Roig, from Spain, tells us how this decision brought her to Klagenfurt.

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Splendid career ahead – with International Business & Economics and the new Master’s Programme Management, Economics & Data Science

We asked our international student Gian Marco Palazzoni, who is enrolled in the Bachelor’s Programme International Business and Economics, why he came to Klagenfurt and what he likes about studying here.

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“The high quality of student supervision at the University of Klagenfurt represents a unique selling point that very few universities can offer.”

Markus Hornböck, one of our graduates, studied Applied Business Administration. He has served as Managing Director of BABEG Kärntner Betriebsansiedlungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft m.b.H. since 2019. In this interview, he tells us about the importance of the university for Carinthia as a business location, taking time to reflect and upcoming projects.

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Highest quality: Faculty of Management, Economics & Law receives international AACSB accreditation

The Faculty of Management, Economics & Law at the University of Klagenfurt has been accredited by the international accreditation agency AACSB International (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). AACSB stands for the highest standards of quality and is one of the world’s most prestigious accreditation bodies in the field of management and economics.

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