Liana from V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University in our interview about her exchange semester at the University of Klagenfurt

Liana Torosova, our incoming exchange student ambassador from the summer semester 2023, gives us a glimpse on what it is like to study at the University of Klagenfurt for one semester. Liana comes from Kharkiv, Ukraine and is studying International Information and International Communications at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.

Tell us something about yourself, where do you come from, what is your home university and what do you study there?

My name is Liana, I am 19 years old and I am originally from Kharkiv, Ukraine. I am currently finishing the 3rd year of my bachelor’s program, “International Information and International Communications” at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.


Why did you decide to spend an exchange period in Klagenfurt?

Doing an Erasmus+ exchange has been my biggest dream since I entered university. I’ve heard so many wonderful stories about student exchanges worldwide and could not wait for the opportunity to apply. Unfortunately, I still had doubts about going abroad and studying in a foreign environment. Last semester, though, after being online through most of my studies, I realized how much I crave real-life interactions, new experiences, and academic advancements. That is why I put all my fears aside and set out to seek an exchange program at one of the partner universities of my home institution. And luckily for me, the first call for applications was for the Univeristy of Klagenfurt! I researched a lot about the university’s classes, professors, activities and opportunities and realized it was a perfect option for me! It also came as a massive surprise for me to learn that my dad visited Klagenfurt a few years ago and had only the most excellent things to say. I ended up applying without hesitation, and the next thing I knew, I was packing my bags and booking tickets to Carinthia!


From an academic and personal perspective, in what ways did you benefit from taking part in a mobility programme at AAU?

There are so many ways you could benefit from when doing an exchange abroad. First, you grow as a person: you adapt to new surroundings, learn to live independently and manage everything yourself, and become more confident in your capabilities. Moreover, it is an incredible networking opportunity. Over the course of 4 months, I made so many friends and met countless fascinating people who share similar interests as me. Finally, the knowledge that I gained in the University of Klagenfurt is unmatched: not only was I able to take courses I’ve dreamed of studying but didn’t have an opportunity to do so, but I also explored so many new themes and aspects of studying in Europe with the help of the most amazing professors!


Has your view of the world changed through your mobility period in Austria? If yes, how?

I believe I became more open-minded and aware of many differences between countries and cultures following my Erasmus+ experience. As I mentioned earlier, I made many new friends, most of them coming outside of Austria. Through sharing our thoughts and ideas on cultural peculiarities and traditions, I learned so much about the aspects of the daily life of others. I also promoted the ideas of my ordinary life in Ukraine and encouraged everyone to come to my country in the meantime. The exchange also served as a bridge between building a relationship with students from countries outside of Europe, and I was fascinated to discover more about their experiences.


Would you recommend spending a semester at AAU to other prospective incoming students? Can you tell us why?

Without a doubt! Not only a semester abroad, in general, serves as a fantastic opportunity, but doing it at AAU makes it even more special! The university has everything you need – friendly staff, the most admirable and professional lecturers and professors, highly advanced facilities, and (most importantly!) the best parties!

I will forever cherish these 4 months of my exchange at AAU and will encourage everyone to try themselves out on this extraordinary adventure!


Word Rap:

My first day at the University of Klagenfurt in 3 words… insightful, pleasing and captivating

Being an incoming exchange student ambassador in 3 words… thrilling, conscientious, enjoyable

When in Klagenfurt you should not miss these 3 things… Wörthersee, Minimundus and Lindwurm Fountain!

The best 3 things about AAU are… 1. Highly professional and sweet professors; 2. well-equipped classrooms and plenty of modern facilities on campus; 3. the most welcoming and sweetest students!

My studies abroad in 3 words… best. experience. EVER!