Es ist ein Wald über die Sache gewachsen … | Z gozdom preraščeno …

Photography and literature exhibition on the Loibl concentration camp | Fotografska in literarna razstava o koncentracijskem taborišču na Ljubelju.

Where | Kje: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt|Celovec (AAU), Klagenfurt University Library | Univerzitetna knjižnica v Celovcu (LV-Lounge, level 2), 07.05.2024-31.06.2024


The cooperation partners – Institute for Slavic Studies of the Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt, WerkStattMuseum|delavnicaMUZEJ in the Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Haus, University Library Klagenfurt of the AAU, Institute for History of the AAU and Robert-Musil-Institute for Literary Research|Carinthian Literature Archive of the AAU invite you:

Exhibition opening on May 7, 2024, 6 pm – on the occasion of the liberation of the prisoners of the Loibl concentration camp from the power of the SS on the day before the surrender of the German Wehrmacht.

Odprtje razstave 7. maja 2024 ob 18. uri – ob dnevu osvoboditve ljubeljskega koncentracijskega taborišča dan pred kapitulacijo nacistične vojske v Evropi.


Plakat zur Ausstellung


Salutations | Pozdravne besede:

Lydia Zellacher (Head of Klagenfurt University Library)

Cristina Beretta (Institute of Slavic Studies, head of departement)


Short historical inputs | Zgodovinski input:

Alexandra Pulvermacher (Institute for History)

Sissi Rausch (WerkStattMuseum/delavnicaMUZEJ Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Haus)

Moderation: Edith Bernhofer (Robert-Musil-Institute for Literary Research|Carinthian Literature Archive)


Diskusije | Discussions:

Exhibiting concentration camp literature – how(so)?|Zakaj in kako razstavljati  literaturo o koncentracijskih taboriščih? Diskusija s kuratorkama|Discussion with the curators Tina Perisutti and Elena Messner. Moderation: Cristina Beretta

How does a historical material become a theatrical performance?/Kako prevesti historično gradivo v odrsko predstavo? Pogovor z Marjanom Štikrom (gledališki ustvarjalec). Conversation with Marjan Štikar (Theater maker). Moderation: Tina Perisutti

On the trail of the perpetrators. The significance of the prisoners for the prosecution and the memory of the Loibl concentration camp. Conversation with Lisa Rettl (Contemporary historian, exhibition curator,
therapist) and Peter Pirker (kä


About the exhibition | O razstavi

Razstava-instalacija umetniških fotografij in citatov iz literarnih besedil ponuja vpogled v del dolgo časa zamolčane zgodovine Koroške. Kakor dejansko zaraščeni gozd na izkrčenem terenu koncentracijskega taborišča na Ljubelju, tako je – podobna gozdu iz množice listov – narasla tudi literatura, ki v romanih, dramah, pismih, spominih in poeziji iz Avstrije, Francije, Češke, Slovenije in Srbije nudi intenziven in vznemirjajoč vpogled v „gradbišče smrti“.

Leta 1943 je SS na Ljubelju zgradila podružnico koncentracijskega taborišča Mauthausen z lokacijama na obeh straneh prelaza. Danes sta na slovenski strani spominsko obeležje in skrbno urejen muzej. Na severni strani se po zaslugi uspešnega spominskega dela Komiteja Mauthausen Kärnten|Koroška s spominskimi ploščami, talnimi ploščami, umetniškimi posegi in vodenimi ogledi intenzivno obravnava vprašanje suženjskega dela na bivšem gradbišču predora. Umetniška razstava in njen spremljevalni program se posvečata tudi vprašanju, ali ne bi bil že skrajni čas, da koncentracijskemu taborišču-dvojčku sledi sodobni muzej-dvojček, ki bi se s svojimi muzejskimi sredstvi zoperstavil težnji po pozabi.

Curated and designed by Elena Messner, Dana Rausch and Tina Perisutti, the exhibition uses artistic photographs and quotes from literary texts to provide an insight into a part of Carinthia’s long-hidden history. It shows that literature – a forest of leaves that has grown just as much as the actual sprawling forest surrounding the cleared concentration camp site at Loibl|Ljubelj – is capable of providing intensive insights into the “construction site of death”, with novels, plays, letters, memories and poems from Austria, France, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Serbia.

In 1943, the SS set up a satellite camp of the Mauthausen concentration camp at Loibl|Ljubelj with sites on both sides of the pass. Today there is a memorial and a carefully designed museum on the Slovenian side. On the north side, thanks to the successful commemorative work of the Mauthausen Committee Carinthia/Koroška, the slave labor at the tunnel construction site is intensively addressed by means of plaques, floor panels, artistic interventions and guided tours. The artistic exhibition and its supporting program are also dedicated to the question of whether it might not be time for the former twin concentration camp to be followed by a current twin museum in order to counter the urge to forget in a museum setting.

Translated with (free version)