“Be bold with what you want to achieve”

Michael Riegler studied Information Management at the University of Klagenfurt and is now a Research Professor within Artificial Intelligence in Oslo, Norway. In the interview, he talks about how his experiences abroad have shaped him, why he would definitely advise today’s students to go abroad and how his Bachelor’s thesis provided the initial spark for a later career in research. Read more

Margareta Ciglič: The wonderful world of Informatics.

Our graduate Margareta Ciglič discovered her passion for Computer Science while studying Applied Business Administration and decided to study both in parallel. We chatted with her about how all this came about, what her subsequent path at the university and at Kelag Energie has been like, and what is drawing her back to the lecture halls of the University of Klagenfurt in the upcoming summer semester. Read more

Melanie Schranz: A woman’s journey into the realm of technology and to her dream job

Our graduate Melanie Schranz couldn’t get enough of the exciting research topics at the Department of Networked and Embedded Systems. As one of the first eight students on the Information and Communications Engineering degree programme, she went straight on to pursue a doctorate after completing her diploma thesis. Together, we look back at an exciting past and talk about the latest research topics at Lakeside Labs.

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Mathematiker Benjamin Hackl im Gespräch über seine Studienzeit

Benjamin Hackl begann mit 15 Jahren zu studieren, mit 20 Jahren hat er sein Masterstudium der Mathematik abgeschlossen. Er ist damit der jüngste Absolvent eines Masterstudiums an der Alpen-Adria-Universität. Heute arbeitet er als Doktorand am Institut für Mathematik.
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