Analysis and critical examination of images of popular culture: Visual Culture is a future topic

Today, visual media have a greater impact than ever before – they inspire, manipulate, generate emotions and spread faster than ever before. Visual skills are increasingly becoming a key qualification. Michaela Mak has chosen to study the master’s programme Visual Culture. In this interview, the art and culture enthusiast from Finkenstein tells us why she chose the programme and why Klagenfurt, in particular, is convincing.

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Applied Cultural Studies in Klagenfurt: Socially critical and diverse

Maria Kravanja, 21 years old from Villach, studies Applied Cultural Studies (AKuWi) at the University of Klagenfurt. She already spoke to us about her life in her self-constructed Tiny House in an interview. As a First Generation Student, she is the first one to study in her family. She talks to us about the path that led her to study, her professional goal of becoming a scientist and tells us what advice she would like to give to freshers who do not have an academic family background.

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German Studies: The power of words

Luka Plevnik was Carinthian champion in freeskiing (winter season 16/17) and lives by the motto: Why boring when it can be exciting? The German Studies student comes from Josipdol, a small village near Maribor. He fell in love with Klagenfurt during a semester abroad and decided to stay. Since then, he has been studying the master’s programme German Studies and uses the cities location not only to pursue his favourite winter sports, but also to go hiking or travel through the Alps-Adriatic region. In this interview, he tells us why he finds the German language so exciting and why he has had to laugh out loud several times in the library at night.

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Studying Educational Science: Juliane Achleitner has discovered research for herself

Juliane Achleitner comes from Bad Goisern at Hallstättersee. She is the first of her family who decided to study at the university. Last year she completed her bachelor’s degree in Educational Science. She is currently studying Adult and Vocational Education and Social and Integration Pedagogy, works as a tutor and study assistant and is involved in the Maturant*innenberatung (Student Advisory Service) of the ÖH (Austrian Student Union). In this interview she tells us what moved her to tears, what experiences she would like to pass on and why her heart beats for research.

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