Sen. Scientist Dr. Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker, B.A. MA
E-mail: Nikolaus [dot] Poechhacker [at] aau [dot] atPhone: +43 463 2700 3719
Room: K.5.506 Kempfstrasse Building, Level 5
- Ethnography
- Media theory
- Science and technology policy
- Social studies of science
- Sociology
- Sociology of law
- Sociology of technology
- Technology studies
- 2024
Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker, Marcus Burkhardt, Jan-Hendrik Passoth: Recommender Systems beyond the Filter Bubble. Algorithmic Regimes: Methods, Interactions, and Politics, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2024, S. 207 - 228.
Bianca Prietl, Stefanie Büchner, Simon Egbert, Juliane Jarke, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker: Knowing in Algorithmic Regimes: Insights from a Roundtable Discussion on Methods, Interactions and Politics. Conference Proceedings of the STS Conference Graz 2023, Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz, Graz, 2024, S. 221 - 235.
- 2023
Annemarie Hofer, Thomas Buocz, Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker: Design Sprints als interdisziplinäres Lehrkonzept. JAP Juristische Ausbildung und Praxis, MANZ´sche Verlags- und Universitätsbuchhandlung GmbH, 2022/2023, Wien, 2023, S. 261 - 264.
- 2022
Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker: Simon Egbert & Matthias Leese: Criminal Futures. Kommunikation@Gesellschaft, Journal für alte und neue Medien aus soziologischer, kulturanthropologischer und kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Perspektive, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, 23, Frankfurt am Main, 2022,
Erik Aarden, Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker: Bringing (digital) infrastructures (back) to life: an STS Austria workshop report. EASST-Review, 41, 2022,
Helene Sorgner, Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker: Building academic living spaces from heterogeneous networks: the story of STS Austria. EASST-Review, 41, 2022,
Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker: Speech Recognition im Asylverfahren. . juridikum, Verlag Österreich GmbH, 3, Wien, 2022, S. 401 - 409.
Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker, Eva-Maria Nyckel: The Logistics of Probability. Amazon: At the Intersection of Culture and Capital, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham (MD), 2022, S. 115 - 129.
Sensing In/Security. Sensors as transnational security infrastructures
Klimburg-Witjes, N., Poechhacker, N., Bowker, G. C. (eds.) (2021)
Edited Volume, Mattering Press
A heterotopia of constitutional innovation. The formation of a new research group and a hub for interdisciplinary research at the intersection of law, technology, and society
Poechhacker, N., Eisenberger, I. (2021)
EASST Review, 40(2)
Algorithmic Accountability in Context. Socio-Technical Perspectives on Structural Causal Models
Poechhacker, N., Kacianka, S. (2021)
Frontiers In Big Data 3:519957, Special Issue Critical Data and Algorithm Studies
Logistics of Probability: Anticipatory Shipping and the Production of Markets
Poechhacker, N., Nyckel, E.-M. (2020)
In: Marcus Burkhardt, Mary Shnayien, Katja Grashöfer (Eds.): Explorations of Digital Cultures. Lüneburg: meson press
Algorithmic Risk Assessment als Medium des Rechts. Medientechnische Entwicklung und institutionelle Verschiebungen aus Sicht einer Techniksoziologie des Rechts
Müller, P. , Pöchhacker, N. (2019)
Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 44(1), 157–179
Algorithmische Vorschlagsysteme und der Programmauftrag: Zwischen Datenwissenschaft, journalistischem Anspruch und demokratiepolitischer Aufgabe
Pöchhacker, N., Burkhardt, M., Geipel, A., Passoth, J. (2018)
In: Resa Mohabbat Kar, Basanta Thapa, Peter Parycek (Hrsg.): (Un)berechenbar? Algorithmen und Automatisierung in Staat und Gesellschaft. Berlin: Kompetenzzentrum Öffentliche IT
Interventionen in die Produktion algorithmischer Öffentlichkeiten: Recommender Systeme als Herausforderung für öffentlich-rechtliche Sendeanstalten
Pöchhacker, N., Burkhardt, M., Geipel, A., Passoth, J. (2017)
In: Jan-Hinrik Schmidt, Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Christian Stegbauer und Nils Zurawski (Hrsg.): Algorithmen, Kommunikation und Gesellschaft. Sonderausgabe von kommunikation@gesellschaft
Predictive Policing. Datenbasierte Verbrechensbekämpfung und eine neue Geographie des Risikos
Pöchhacker, N. (2016)
GeoAgenda 2016/4, 13-15
Ideologies, Ambitions and Utopias in Science and Technology
Altenhofer, M., Bachinger, L. M., En, B., Engelhart, J., Neumann, V., Pöchhacker, N., Pöll, M., Prendl, A. (eds.) (2016)
Special Issue des Graduate Journal of Social Science
Diffusion von Energieinnovationen in Österreich aus Mikro- und Makroperspektive. Klima- und Energiefonds
Klinglmair, A., Brandstätter, T., Grießler, E., Grussmann, S., Holländer, E., Pöchhacker, N., & Roser, A. (2015)
Klagenfurt, Wien: IHS.
Evaluation des Förderinstruments “Diskursprojekte zu ethischen, rechtlichen und sozialen Fragen in den modernen Lebenswissenschaften” des BMBF. Endbericht
Griessler, E., Lang, A., Maier, R., Pöchhacker, N., Wuketich, M., Bührer-Topcu, S., Goos, K., & Seus, S. (2015). [Research Report]
Legal Technologies: The Need for STS-Analysis
Conference Panel Co-organizer, 6-9 October 2021, 4S Conference 2021, Virtual Toronto
Digital Living, Digital Infrastructuring
STS Austria Workshop Co-organizer of the , 13-15 September 2021, University of Graz
Digital Technologies in Policing and Security
Conference Panel Co-organizer, 20 August 2020, 4S EASST Conference 2020, Virtual Prague
Sensing In/Security. Sensors as Transnational Security Infrastructures
Closed Conference Panel Co-organizer, 19 August 2020, 4S EASST Conference 2020, Virtual Prague
Senses of Security: Probing the Logics and Effects of Hepatitis C’s “Regime of Cure”
Invited Talk given by Lisa Lehner (Cornell University), 21 January 2018, Engineering Responsibility Lab, Technical University of Munich
Risk Assessment and Computational Knowledge Production in Legal Systems
Workshop, 29 November – 1 December 2018, cooperation between MCTS & the Department for Computer Science, Technical University of Munich
Sensing security. Sensors and the making of transnational security infrastructures
Conference Panel, 26 July 2018, EASST Conference 2018, Lancaster University
Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis
Organizer of the Workshop “Grounded Theory and Situational Analysis” with Prof. Dr. Jörg Strübing, 10-11 May 2018, MCTS, Technical University of Munich
Visualizing Security: Remote Sensing, Visualization Technologies and the Making of Risk and (In)securities
Conference Panel, 30 August 2017, 4S Conference 2017, Boston
Changing Worlds Conference 2015
Transdisciplinary conference, 19-21 November 2015, Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna
Changing Worlds Conference 2014
Transdisciplinary conference, 20-22 November 2014, Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Vienna
- 2023
- Ethnographien des Digitalen: Künstliche Intelligenz und die Zusammenarbeit in der Technikentwicklung (Roundtable)
OeGEKW Tagung 2023
Klagenfurt, 19.05.2023 - Algorithmic Reflexivity: Inquiries in the Construction of an Algorithmic System from a Practice-Based Perspective
STS Conference Graz 2023
Graz, 10.05.2023 - Knowing in Algorithmic Regimes: Methods, Interactions, Politics
STS Conference Graz 2023
Graz, 08.05.2023 - Reframing AI Explainability
British Sociological Association Annual Meeting 2023
Manchester, 13.04.2023 - 2022
- Making digital publics: algorithmic media and the fabrication of publics
EASST Conference
Madrid, 09.07.2022 - Materializing futures: fairness and diversity in AI development as sociotechnical imaginaries
EASST Conference
Madrid, 08.07.2022 - Ethnographic Interventions. Reflecting on ethnographers’ roles in data science projects (and what it may tell us about data power)
Dialogues in Data Power 2022
Bremen, 22.06.2022 - Constructing Asylum Seekers. Voice Recognition as Security Discourse
Surveillance Studies Network Conference 2022
Rotterdam, 01.06.2022 - Algorithmisches Wissen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis am Beispiel des Asylverfahrens und der Polizeiarbeit
Rechtsstaat und Demokratie unter Druck – Perspektiven in der sozialen und ökologischen Krise
Wien, 25.03.2022
Calculative Normativity. Algorithms and Machine Learning as a Challenge for Legal Systems – A Media Sensitive Approach
Poechhacker, N. (2021)
Presentation at at the 4S Conference 2021, 6-9 October 2021, Virtual Toronto
Krise der Expertise? Eine institutionelle Perspektive auf wissenschaftliche Expert*innengremien der österreichischen Bundesregierung während der Coronakrise
Poechhacker, N. & Katharina König (2021)
Presentation at the joint DGS/ÖGS Conference 2021, 23-25 August 2021, Virtual Vienna
Matters of Law. Der Material Turn in den Legal Studies und der Rechtssoziologie
Poechhacker, N. (2021)
Presentation at the Forum junge Rechtswissenschaft, 3 August 2021, Univesity of Tübingen (online)
Calculating Fairness. Enacting statistical justice in the case of recidivism risk
Poechhacker, N. & Peter Müller (2020)
Presentation at the 4S EASST Conference 2020, 18-21 August 2020, Virtual Prague
Science Legal & Technology Studies: Sentencing Decision Support Systems as Institutional Technologies
Müller, Peter & Nikolaus Poechhacker (2019)
Presentation at the Data Power Conference 2019, 12-13 September 2019, University of Bremen
Die Gestaltung verantwortlicher Algorithmen als interdisziplinäre Aufgabe am Beispiel eines öffentlich-rechtlichen Recommender Systems
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus (2019)
Presentation at the Symposium Medienethik 2019 “Algorithmen statt Ethik?”, 7 March, FH St. Pölten
Legal Codes: algorithms in legal systems, legal positivism and some STS sensibilities
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus (2019)
Presentation at the Joint DFG-NSF Workshop “Technoscientific Constitutionalism. Exploring the Intersections of Science, Technology and Constitutional Order”, 7-9 February, Washington DC
Structures that Count. Von der Macht der Algorithmen hin zur Betrachtung algorithmischer Gesellschaften
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus (2018)
Presentation at the annual meeting of GWTF, 15 November 2018, Technische Universität Berlin
Organising Algorithms. An institutional perspective on digitized societies
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus (2018)
Presentation at the Data Science Institute, 9 November 2018, Lancaster University
Predictive Policing Podium Discussion
Invitation to podium discussion on Predictive Policing at the Collegium Helveticum organized by Prof. Dr. Monika Dommann, 11 October 2018, Zurich
Learning in the wild: on the problem of adaptivity in machine learning
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus & Marcus Burkhardt (2018)
Presentation at the EASST Conference 2018, 25-28 June 2018, Lancaster University
Liquid Law and democratic AI. Process regulation and the governance of machine learning by institutions – a sociological reflection
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus & Jan-Hendrik Passoth (2018)
Presentation at the Workshop “Legal Foundations in Times of Deep Learning and Systemic Digitization”, 03-06 April 2018, Villa Vigoni (German-Italian Centre for European Excellence)
Wer hat Angst vor Filter Bubbles? Die algorithmische Produktion von Medienöffentlichkeiten und der Programmauftrag
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus (2017)
Invited lecture at the Lecture Series “Sozioinformatik in der Praxis” at the Department for Computer Science, 15 December 2017, TU Kaiserslautern
Software on Trial. Risk Assessment Software in der Gerichtlichen Praxis
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus & Peter Müller (2017)
Presentation at the Austrian Sociology Congress 2017, 7-9 December 2017, University of Graz
Logistik(en) der Wahrscheinlichkeit. Das Amazon Anticipatory Shipping-Patent als Verknüpfung unterschiedlicher prognostischer Medienlogiken (logics of prediction)
Nyckel, Eva-Maria & Nikolaus Pöchhacker (2017)
Presentation at the Austrian Sociology Congress 2017, 7-9 December 2017, University of Graz
Algorithmic Governance und die Frage nach den Daten. Predictive Policing aus techniksoziologischer Perspektive
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus (2017)
Invited lecture at the Workshop “Predictive Policing – Vorbeugende Verbrechensbekämpfung der Zukunft”, 19 October 2017, IBZ Gimborn
Data structures of power. Co-configuring sites of data production as interventions in regimes of datafication
Passoth, Jan-Hendrik & Nikolaus Pöchhacker (2017)
Presentation at the Data Power Conference 2017, 22-23 June 2017, Carleton University
Sensing Security. Deviant Publics and their Infrastructures
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus (2017)
Presentation at the Workshop “SENSOR PUBLICS. The Politics of Sensing and Data Infrastructures”, 5-7 April 2017, Technical University of Munich
Coding Relevance. Algorithmic recommender systems as mediators in media publics
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus, Andrea Geipel, Marcus Burkhardt, Jan-Hendrik Passoth (2016)
Presentation at the 6th STS Italia Conference “Sociotechnical Environments”, 24-26 November 2016, University of Trento
Text Mining als Methode der qualitativen Sozialforschung
Pöchhacker, Nikolaus (2015)
Invited lecture for the undergraduate course “Qualitative Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung” at the Department of Political Science, 3 June 2015, University of Vienna
Invisible Citizen? Exploring the Imagined Residents of a Smart City
Benedikt, Olesya & Nikolaus Pöchhacker (2015)
Presentation at the STS Conference Graz 2015 “Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies”, 11-12 May 2015, University of Graz
Diffusion of E-Bikes in Austria. How materiality matters
Brandstätter, Tamara, Nikolaus Pöchhacker, & Erich Grießler (2015)
Poster Presentation at the STS Conference Graz 2015 “Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies”, 11-12 May 2015, University of Graz
Monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation Across Selected European Countries. First Results
Grießler, Erich, Nikolaus Pöchhacker et al. (2014)
Poster Presentation at the NTA6-TA14 Conference 2014 “Responsible Innovation. Neue Impulse für die Technikfolgenabschätzung?”, 02-04 June 2014, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna.
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