Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexander Onysko
Function:Head of Department (Department of English)E-mail: Alexander [dot] Onysko [at] aau [dot] atPhone: +43 463 2700 2530
Room: N.0.31 Main Building, North Wing Centre, Level 0
- Bi/Multilingualism
- Cognitive linguistics
- Cognitive Linguistics
- Conceptual Metaphors
- English studies
- General linguistics
- Language Contact
- Sociolinguistics
- World Englishes
Professional Experience
Alexander Onysko is Full Professor in English linguistics at Alpen-Adria University Klagenfurt. Before taking up his position in Klagenfurt, he held an Associate Professorship in English linguistics at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, and, from 2012 to 2015, he was Senior Researcher in multilingualism at EURAC (European Academy) in Bolzano. From 2006 to 2009, he worked as a post-doctoral researcher on an FWF-funded project on Late Modern English dialectology at the University of Innsbruck where he had also received his PhD in 2006. In addition, he held visiting professorships at the University of Hamburg (2008/2009), the University of Bochum (2009), the University of Innsbruck (2009/2010), and the University of Gothenburg (2014). His main research interests and publications are in the fields of World Englishes, Language Contact, Bi/Multilingualism, and Cognitive Linguistics. A particular focus of his work is on Māori bilingualism in Aotearoa New Zealand and its implications for English varieties spoken there.
Selected publications:
Books and edited volumes
Onysko, Alexander (ed.). 2021. Research Developments in World Englishes. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Open access: https://www.bloomsburycollections.com/book/research-developments-in-world-englishes/
Knospe, Sebastian, Alexander Onysko, and Maik Goth (eds.). 2016. Crossing Languages to Play with Words: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter; pp. 400. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110465600/html
Onysko, Alexander, Marta Degani, and Jeanette King (eds.). 2014. He Hiringa, He Pūmanawa – Studies on the Māori Language: In Honour of Ray Harlow. Wellington, NZ: Huia Publishers; pp. 225.
Onysko, Alexander and Sascha Michel (eds.). 2010. Cognitive Perspectives on Word Formation. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter. [Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs]; pp. 431. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110223606/html
Onysko, Alexander. 2007. [reprint 2014]. Anglicisms in German: Borrowing, Lexical Productivity and Written Codeswitching. Berlin & New York: De Gruyter. [Linguistik – Impulse und Tendenzen]; pp. 376. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110912173/html
Edited special issues in journals (peer-reviewed)
Onysko, Alexander and Peter Siemund (eds.). 2022. Englishes in a Globalized World: Exploring Contact Effects on Other Languages. Research Topic in Frontiers of Communication – Language Sciences.
Callies, Marcus and Alexander Onysko (eds.). 2017. Metaphor Variation in Englishes Around the World. Special issue of Cognitive Linguistic Studies 4 (1). John Benjamins. https://benjamins.com/catalog/cogls.4.1
Onysko, Alexander (ed.). 2016. Language Contact and World Englishes. Special issue of World Englishes 35 (2). Wiley – Blackwell. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/weng.2016.35.issue-2/issuetoc
Articles in journals and edited volumes (peer-reviewed)
Onysko, Alexander and Marta Degani. 2024. General extenders in New Zealand English. World Englishes. Online first: https://doi.org/10.1111/weng.12698; open access.: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/weng.12698
Degani, Marta and Alexander Onysko. 2024. Cultural variation in New Zealand English stories about place. World Englishes, 43 (3): 399–413. Open access: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/weng.12659
Onysko, Alexander. 2022. Englishes in the USA. In Las lenguas de las Américas - the Languages of the Americas. Paul Danler and Jannis Harjus (eds.). Berlin: Logos. 165-185.
Onysko, Alexander. 2021. Cognitive models of language contact: An integrated perspective of Diasystematic Construction Grammar and Cognitive Language Contact Phenotypes. In Constructions in Contact 2. Hans C. Boas and Steffen Höder (eds.). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. 82–105.
Onysko, Alexander. 2021. Where are WEs heading to? In Research Developments in World Englishes. Alexander Onysko (ed.). London: Bloomsbury. 1–10. Open access: https://www.bloomsburycollections.com/book/research-developments-in-world-englishes/ch1-where-are-wes-heading-to
Degani, Marta and Alexander Onysko. 2021. Cultural metaphors of personification in Aotearoa English. In Metaphor in Language and Culture across World Englishes. Marcus Callies and Marta Degani (eds.). London: Bloomsbury. 219–239.
Degani, Marta and Alexander Onysko. 2020. Silence and denial: Trump’s discourse on the environment. In Linguistic Inquiries into Donald Trump’s Language. Ulrike Schneider and Matthias Eitelmann (eds). London: Bloomsbury. 173–195.
Stemle, Egon and Alexander Onysko. 2020. Testing the role of metadata in metaphor identification. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Figurative Language Processing. Beata Beigman Klebanov, Ekaterina Shutova, Patricia Lichtenstein, Smaranda Muresan, Chee Wee (Ben) Leong, Anna Feldman & Debanjan Ghosh (eds.). Association for Computational Linguistics. 256–263. Open access: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.figlang-1.0/
Rasse, Carina, Alexander Onysko and Francesca Citron. 2020. Conceptual metaphorsin poetry interpretation: A psycholinguistic approach. Language and Cognition 12 (2): 310–342.
Open access: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/language-and-cognition/article/conceptual-metaphors-in-poetry-interpretation-a-psycholinguistic-approach/E022AA06246E014936DB9329D6B99009
Onysko, Alexander. 2019. Processes of language contact in English influence on German. In English in the German-Speaking World. Raymond Hickey (ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 185–207.
Onysko, Alexander. 2019. Reconceptualizing language contact phenomena as cognitive processes. In Cognitive Contact Linguistics. Eline Zenner, Ad Backus & Esme Winter-Froemel (eds.). Berlin & New York: De Gruyter. 23–50.
Stemle, Egon and Alexander Onysko. 2018. Using Language Learner Data for Metaphor Detection. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Figurative Language Processing at NAACL 2018. Beata Beigman Klebanov, Ekaterina Shutova, Patricia Lichtenstein, Smaranda Muresan, and Chee Wee (Ben) Leong (eds.). New Orleans: The Association for Computational Linguistics. 133–138. Open access: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/volumes/W18-09/
Onysko, Alexander. 2017. Conceptual metaphor variation in meaning interpretation: Evidence from speakers of New Zealand English. Cognitive Linguistic Studies 4 (1): 7–36.
Onysko, Alexander. 2016. Enhanced creativity in bilinguals? Evidence from meaning interpretations of novel compounds. International Journal of Bilingualism 20 (June 2016): 315–334. SAGE open access: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1367006914566081
Onysko, Alexander. 2016. Modeling world Englishes from the perspective of language contact. World Englishes 35 (2): 196–220.
Onysko, Alexander. 2016. Crosslinguistic influence on headedness of novel English compounds: Evidence from bilingual speakers of Te Reo Māori and English. STUF – Language Typology and Universals 69 (4): 471–494.
Onysko, Alexander. 2015. Māori English on the background of cultural and linguistic contact in Aotearoa–New Zealand. In Contact and Conflict in English Studies. Coelsch-Foisner, Sabine and Herbert Schendl (eds.). Wien: Peter Lang. 33–56.
Stemle, Egon W. and Alexander Onysko. 2015. The role of transfer in automated L1 identification of English learner essays. In Transfer Effects in Multilingual Language Development. Peukert, Hagen (ed.). Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 297–321.
Onysko, Alexander and Esme Winter-Froemel. 2011. Necessary loans – luxury loans? Exploring the pragmatic dimension of borrowing. Journal of Pragmatics 43 (6): 1550–1567.
Degani, Marta and Alexander Onysko. 2010. Hybrid compounding in New Zealand English. World Englishes 29 (2): 209–233.
See attached file for a full list of publications
Click on "Research" (above) for an overview of all publications, projects, lectures, conferences, and academic functions

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