Europe’s Mineral Trade and Global Energy Transition Nexus amid Geopolitical Risks (FWF-Projekt Nr. PAT4884723)
Europe’s Mineral Trade and Global Energy Transition Nexus amid Geopolitical Risks
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2028
Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (FWF)
In recent years, metallic minerals have become essential for manufacturing and making use of cleaner energy production technologies, including electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar photovoltaics, and battery-based power storage systems, to meet climate goals in the coming decades. Shifting from non-renewables to cleaner energy production processes, the countries that intend to implement the energy transition find themselves in an urgent race to import the necessary resources. More importantly, an energy transition based on the mineral trade is faced with geopolitical risks such as war, nuclear threats, and terror threats.This situation calls for an investigation of how geopolitical tensions are prominent in affecting trade from the perspective of global moves toward the energy transition in which metallic minerals are used as critical raw materials. Europe shares this global vision of an energy metamorphosis. The study of European economies is critical because of their dual nature as traders importing and exporting these mineral resources, especially for renewable energy production. This research project will investigate how the mineral trade helps European countries achieve their goal of the energy transition when faced with a potential increase in geopolitical risks. This study is based on the international trade theory concerning metallic mineral goods used for renewable energy generation and aims to analyze diverse challenges, especially geopolitical issues affecting the mineral resource-driven energy transition process in Europe. To this end, we utilize novel econometric techniques, such as the cross-quantilogram, cross-sectional autoregressive distributed lag and quantiles via moments techniques under individual and panel time-series data analysis procedures.
Unterstützt durch Fördergelder des Wissenschaftsfonds (FWF): Projektnummer: PAT4884723
Publikationen und Downloads
Mariev O., Blüschke D. (2024). Interplay of Chinese Rare Earth Elements Supply and European Clean Energy Transition: A Geopolitical Context Analysis. Renewable Energy.
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