Communicating across Cultures: We Are What We Speak

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In the upcoming guest lecture, Communicating across Cultures: We Are What We Speak, Dr. Julia Khrebtan-Hörhager will address the subject of inclusive, culturally informed, and effective communication in the global/izing world. First, she will briefly introduce identity politics as a core concept of intercultural studies, elaborating what identity categories are, how they are manifested, and how they define our individual and collective understanding of Selves and Others. Then, she will contextualize identities culturally and geo-politically, explore the concept of cultural layers, taxonomies, various similarities and differences among national cultures, and the ways how those similarities and differences are manifested linguistically. Special focus of the presentation will be dedicated to various examples of discursive framing, as well as idiomatic/proverbial/metaphoric elements of intercultural communication, because, after all, we create worlds with our words. We are what we speak.