Ass.-Prof. Dr. Erik Aarden
E-Mail: Erik [dot] Aarden [at] aau [dot] atTelefon: +43 463 2700 6118
Raum: B07b.1.205 Lakesidepark Haus B07, Ebene 1
Campus-Portal Visitenkarte | Lehrveranstaltungen | Forschung
- Biobanking
- Biodiversitätsforschung
- Europäische Integration
- Forschungspolitik
- Gesundheitspolitik
- Naturschutz
- Technikforschung
- Wissenschaftsforschung
seit 2020 Universitätsassistent am Institut für Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung, Universität Klagenfurt
2014-2020 Postdoc am Institut für Wissenschaft- und Technikforschung, Universität Wien
2012-2014 Marie Curie Fellow, Harvard University Program for Science, Technology, and Society (USA) & Department of Technology and Society Studies, Maastricht University (NL)
2011-2012 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter, VDI-Professur für Zukunftsforschung, RWTH Aachen (D)
2008-2010 Researcher, Department of Technology and Society Studies & Department of Health, Ethics, and Society, Maastricht University (NL)
2004-2010 Doctoral research assistant, Department of Health, Ethics and Society, Maastricht University (NL)
2010: PhD, Maastricht University, Department of Health, Ethics and Society (NL); Dissertation: ‘Politics of Provision. The Co-production of Genetic Technologies and Health Care Arrangements in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.’
2007: Visiting fellow, Harvard University Program on Science, Technology, and Society (USA)
2004: MA, Maastricht University, Arts & Culture (NL)
2003: Exchange student, Scienze Politiche, Università di Bologna (I)
- 04/2024 - 03/2028 Testing (bio)governance: A technology-centered comparison of the biomoralities at work in SARS-CoV-2 testing in Austria, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom
2024-2025 Forschungsrat AAU 'Making meanings of biodiversity: Species monitoring and sciencecommunication at two Austrian biosphere reserves'
2019-2022 FWF-DFG joint project grant ‘Making Europe through and for its research infrastructures, January 2019-July 2022, University of Vienna & TU Munich, PIs: Ulrike Felt (U Vienna) & Sebastian Pfotenhauer (TU Munich)
- 2023
Erik Aarden: Pennington Hugh (2022) COVID-19: The Porstgenomic Pandemic. Cambridge: Polity Press (Book Review). Science & Technology Studies, 36, 2023, S. 90 - 92.
Erik Aarden: Infrastructuring European scientific integration: Heterogeneous meanings of the European biobanking infrastructure BBMRI–ERIC. Social Studies of Science, SAGE Publications USA, Thousand Oaks (CA), 2023,
Pouya Sepehr, Erik Aarden: Between straight lines and winding alleys: Streets as boundary objects in the transnational modernization of urban planning in Iran.. Politics of urban knowledge. Historical perspectives on the shaping and governing of cities., Routledge , New York, 2023, S. 179 - 200.
- 2022
Erik Aarden: Ignorance and the paradoxes of evidence-based global health: the case of mortality statistics in India’s Million Death Study. Science as Culture, Taylor & Francis, 2022,
Erik Aarden, Nikolaus Helge Pöchhacker: Bringing (digital) infrastructures (back) to life: an STS Austria workshop report. EASST-Review, 41, 2022,
- 2021
Erik Aarden: "Samples are precious": Value formations in the potentiality and practices of biobanking in Singapore. Science, Technology & Human Values, SAGE Publications USA, 49, Thousand Oaks (CA), 2021, S. 500 - 523.
Erik Aarden: Human sensing infrastructures and global public health security in India’s Million Death Study. Sensing Security. Sensors and the making of international security infrastructures, Mattering Press , Manchester, 2021, S. 136 - 162.
Erik Aarden, Luca Marelli, Alessandro Blasimme: The translational lag narrative in policy discourse in the United States and the European Union: a comparative study.. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, Nature Publishing Group, New York, 2021,
Ine Van Hoyweghen, Erik Aarden: One for all, all for one? Containing the promise of solidarity in precision medicine. Critical Public Health, Taylor & Francis, 2021,
- Aarden, E., (2019). Decoding the Million Death Study: Ambivalence of Producing Evidence on Mortality in India. Economic and Political Weekly, 54(50), 41-48.
- Pfotenhauer, S., J. Juhl, & E. Aarden (2019). Challenging the “deficit model” of innovation: Framing policy issues under the innovation imperative. Research Policy, 48(4), 895-904, https://doi-org/10.1016/j.respol.2018.10.015
- Aarden E., (2018). Repositioning biological citizenship: State, population and individual risk in the Framingham Heart Study. Biosocieties. 13(2), 494-512, 10.1057/s41292-017-0081-0
- Aarden, E. (2017). Projecting and producing ‘usefulness’ of biomedical research infrastructures; Or why the Singapore Tissue Network closed. Science and Public Policy, 44(6), 753-762.,
- Aarden, E. (2017). Making value(s) through social contracts for biomedical population research. In; V. Pavone & J. Goven (Eds), Bioeconomies: Life, technology and capital in the 21st century. Basingstoke; Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161-184.
- Aarden, E. (2016). Constitutions of justice in genetic medicine: Distributing diagnostics for familial hypercholesterolemia in three European countries. Critical Policy Studies, 10(2), 216-234,
- Aarden, E., & D. Barben (2013). Science and Technology Studies. In: Simonis, G. (Ed.) Konzepte und Verfahren der Technikfolgenabschätzung. Wiesbaden; Springer VS, pp. 35-49.
- Aarden, E., I. Van Hoyweghen, & K. Horstman (2011). Constructing access in predictive medicine. Comparing classification for hereditary breast cancer risks in England, Germany and the Netherlands. Social Science and Medicine, 72 (4), 553-559)
- Aarden, E., I. Van Hoyweghen, & K. Horstman (2010). Solidarity in practices of provision. Distributing access to genetic technologies in health care in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. New Genetics and Society, 29 (4), 369-388,
- 2021
- STS Austria Workshop 'Digital Living, Digital Infrastructuring'.
Graz, 13.09.2021
- 2024
- Vogelberingung als Multispezies-Methode: Multiple Klassifikationen der Mensch-Tier-Beziehung in ornithologischer Forschung
Konferenz Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie
Osnabrück, 24.09.2024 - Encountering the agricultural paradox in a biodiversity knowledge infrastructure: monitoring in Neusiedler See-Seewinkel National Park, Austria
EASST/4S Conference 2024
Amsterdam, 17.07.2024 - Ontological politics of biodiversity measurements in Neusiedler See-Seewinkel National Park, Austria.
Workshop Micropolitics of Measurement
Paris, 21.06.2024 - What's the citizen in citizen science? Different modes of participation in ornithological research by BirdLife Austria.
Keynote Talk at the Chair for Life Sciences in Society
München, 23.05.2024 - Collective goods? The making of “population health” in medical tissue and data collections
STS Conference Graz 2024
TU Graz, 08.05.2024 - 2022
- Engaging publics’ perceptions of environmental crises: some notes towards a participatory visual approach
EASST Conference
Madrid, 09.07.2022 - 2021
- ‘Infrastructuring’ exchange of high-quality data in BBMRI-ERIC: mapping a contested landscape of access and mobility
4S Annual Meeting, Society for Social Studies of Science
online, 09.10.2021 - The challenges of being an infrastructure: a sociotechnical perspective on biobanking initiatives in Singapore and Europe.
New South Wales Statewide Biobank Virtual Seminar Series
online, 28.09.2021 - ‘Infrastructuring’ exchange of high-quality data in BBMRI-ERIC: mapping a contested landscape of access and mobility
STS Austria Workshop 'Digital Living, Digital Infrastructuring'.
Graz, 14.09.2021 - Mapping data resources in the European biobanking infrastructure BBMRI-ERIC
Data as a new resource? Similarities and differences of data vs. material resources
online, 30.06.2021 - Collaging public health: Medical research collections and the formation of ‘bioconstitutional citizenship’
Science and Democracy Network Annual Meeting 2021
online, 24.06.2021 - The paradox of more-than-digital data technologies producing population mortality statistics in India
Digitizing peoples in uncertain times
online, 13.05.2021 - “I mean, its Europe. It’s complicated”. Navigating promises and frictions in the integration of European biobanking through BBMRI-ERIC
online, 13.01.2021
2020-2024 Kassier, STS Austria (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft- und Technikforschung)

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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
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