Gastvortrag: Do mathematics textbooks provide a balance of a variety of tasks? A multi-dimensional analysis of textbook requirements

VeranstaltungsortS.0.16Veranstalter Institut für Didaktik der MathematikBeschreibungMathematics textbooks play a very important role in mathematics education and the proportion and nature of the textbook tasks may influence the students’ opportunities to learn and understand mathematics. The idea was to develop a multi-dimensional framework for analyzing the textbook tasks, involving the mathematical activities dimension. This addresses the question of what a student should do in a particular textbook task. The results show that the textbooks do not provide a full range of task types, but the results also present a good starting point for improving requirements in mathematics education.Vortragende(r)Doc. Dr. Dubravka Glasnović GracinKontaktEdith Schneider (