The Importance of Being Earnest

Cooperation between S.O.S., the student theatre group of the English and American Studies Department and the Kammerlichtspiele Klagenfurt
Jack loves Gwendolen. Algernon loves Cecily. But Gwendolen and Cecily love Earnest. Because only the name Earnest triggers the right ‘vibrations’ in them. No problem – a quick renaming solves that, think the smitten gentlemen. If only there wasn't the problem of the ‘right’ origin. Because Jack cannot produce a family tree that Gwendolen's mother considers adequate. And Algernon has such a wild past that permission for a marriage seems impossible. And then shenanigans ensue in ‘earnest’.
Directed by Sabine Kristof-Kranzelbinder
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
in Zusammenarbeit mit
Kammerlichtspiele Klagenfurt
Ort: Kammerlichtspiele Klagenfurt, Adlergasse 1, 9020 Klagenfurt
Datum: 01., 02. Feber, jeweils 19 Uhr
Eintritt: Freiwillige Spende
Infos: www.kammerlichtspiele.at
Elena Ippendorf (Anglistik [at] aau [dot] at)