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TEWI-Kolloquium: Solving x’=?

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Veranstaltungskategorie Vortrag


Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften


With the advent of every improving information technologies, science and engineering is being being evermore guided by data-driven models and large-scale computations. In this setting, one often is forced to work with models for which the nonlinearities are not derived from first principles and quantitative values for parameters are not known.

With this in mind, I will describe an alternative approach formulated in the language of combinatorics and algebraic topology that is inherently multiscale, amenable to mathematically rigorous results based on discrete descriptions of dynamics, computable, and capable of recovering robust dynamic structures.

To keep the talk grounded, I will discuss the ideas in the context of modeling of gene regulatory networks.

Prof. Konstantin Mischaikow

Kerstin Smounig (kerstin [dot] smounig [at] aau [dot] at)