Second International Klagenfurt Wittgenstein Workshop

This year’s Klagenfurt Workshop will examine the work of some of the most challenging, insightful, influential, controversial commentators on Philosophical Investigations, §§243-308.
Unit I of the Workshop will focus on the work of John McDowell, especially his reading of Wittgenstein’s so-called private language argument.
We will move in
Unit II to an examination of Barry Stroud’s textually subtle undoing of what one might call the standard reading of the private language argument.
Unit III will be devoted to Stanley Cavell’s development – in Part IV of The Claim of Reason – of Wittgenstein’s treatment of privacy, expression, and skepticism about the possibility of knowledge of other minds.
Institut für Philosophie
in Zusammenarbeit mit
Internationales Ludwig Wittgenstein Institut
James Conant und David Finkelstein (University of Chicago)
Dr. Volker Munz (volker [dot] munz [at] aau [dot] at)