Citizens in the making. Citizenship and Diversity in Public Childcare in Vienna and Berlin

Institut für Kulturanalyse
As diversity is often perceived as a challenge, public childcare is increasingly claimed to be an equalizer that benefits children from supposedly problematic family backgrounds who fail to produce ‘proper’ citizens. The project investigates public childcare as a central, yet ambivalent, site of citizenship by raising the question: How are children perceived to be different and how are they prepared to assume the role of future citizens? The central methodological tool is to follow the discourse and the traces of its subject(s) across multiple dimensions: from the level of policies, dominant discourses and norms in teaching contents, their translation into concrete pedagogical practice at day-care institutions right up to their impact on diversity and its negotiation between
public childcare and the ‘private’ realm of families. The paper will give insights into the fieldwork in training centres for childcare workers and in two public childcare institutions in Vienna.
Astrid Baerwolf (Wien)
Janine Schemmer (Janine [dot] Schemmer [at] aau [dot] at)