Modular examinations
The modular examination for the PUMA subjects is taken in oral form.
Please sign up for the modular examination electronically in the student portal. You have to fulfill the requirements for the registration at the time you sign up. Deadlines for registration and deregistration must be met without exception.
! Note for participants of the UCP Public Management and Law of Public Administration:
In order to sign up for the modular examination you need to send an email within the registration deadlines. Please send your request to Andrea [dot] Suessenbacher [at] aau [dot] at and CC to Karin [dot] Falkenburg [at] aau [dot] at and include the following information:
Examination date
Student Identification Number
Degree Programme Code: UL 992 969 – University Course in Public Management and Law of Public Administration
You can find the relevant materials, and a list of literature in the Moodle course of each of the lectures from “Public Management”.
Here you can find the dates for the next modular examinations.

Information for
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
uni [at] aau [dot] at
Campus Plan