library’s opening hours during the semester break 2019

SEMESTER BREAK (Feb 1 – 28, 2019)

Mon – Wed, Fri: 08:30 – 16:00
hu: 08:30 – 19:00
Sat/Sun: closed

members have unrestricted access to the library‘s reading rooms.

Registration for the 24-hour library is possible via the campus system under “My settings” >> 24-hour library.
Please register at least one day before you plan to use this service for the first time. Accounts are activated every day at midnight.


The new catalogue “surf@ubk” (new version) is online!

Dear users of Klagenfurt UL,
dear AAU students,

Ready to go:
We haven’t yet completed the system change, BUT:

The new version of our search engine is online: Surf@ubk
(of course also accessible from our homepage: :

You can do research again.
You can administrate your library account again.
You can order, borrow and return books again.
You can use the inter-library loan again.

To use all this, you now have to REGISTER on surf@ubk, using your AAU account!

“First aid” regarding the new interface on:

Of course, we are at your disposal for questions.
The dates for the “Introduction on how to use the library” will be fixed soon. Special attention will be given to surf@ubk.



At the same time, we ask you for a little further patience. We, too, have to get used to the new system, but we will do our best to help you!

Kind regards,
Your UL team

Annual Cleaning in the Library (17.-20.09.)

Dear AAU University Library users, dear AAU students,

From Monday, 17.09. (- 20.09.): Annual cleaning in the library!

Access is temporarily prohibited in certain areas  (this also includes shelves)!

Please use accessible areas.
In urgent cases, pleace contact library staff.

Thank you for your co-operation.


Kind regards,
Your UL Team

New schedule of fees and fines on 06.09.2018!

Dear AAU University Library users, dear AAU students,

Installation of the new library system „ALMA“ requires the adaptation of our fees and fines.

For your information – the new schedule of fees and fines comes into effect on 06.09.2018.

The most important changes concern overdue fines for everybody and registration fees for external users.

Overdue fines: From 06.09.2018, exceeding the loan period is charged with 50 cent per day/book.

Here you can find the complete schedule of fees and fine :

We ask all library users to observe their loan periods!

The customary email reminder remains in effect. This is no legally binding information but an additional service. As of 06.09.2018, all users also receive a loan receipt via email. The loan period stated on this receipt must be observed. We ask you to keep an eye on the email address linked to your library account.

Kind regards,
Your UL Team