Remarkable success for Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Klagenfurt: funding for 14 new PhD students in the field of optimization in FWF doc.funds project

The approval of this project represents a milestone in the success story of the Departments of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Klagenfurt. It’s also a great achievement on the part of the participating professors and particularly for the 32-year-old coordinator, Michaela Szölgyenyi. Starting in autumn 2020, the project will employ around one dozen international young scientists in Klagenfurt.

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International day of Mathematics 2020

The International Mathematics Day is an event proclaimed by UNESCO and supported by the International Mathematical Union, which takes place annually on 14 March. The day is also known as π-day, because: The decimal expansion of the circle number π begins with 3.1415…. — and especially in the American-speaking world, 14 March is written as “3/14”.
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Mathematics supports new medical imaging techniques

While MRI, CT and x-ray already provide valuable insights into the interior of the body, the technology involving so-called magnetic particle imaging now promises new possibilities with high resolution, less acquisition time and no harmful radiation. In order to be able to draw conclusions about biological processes based on the observation of magnetic particles in a magnetic field, research has to rely on mathematics. Tram Thi Ngoc Nguyen is completing her doctoral thesis on this topic at the University of Klagenfurt.

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Daniel Krenn and Annika Wille received their habilitation certificate

This year, two colleagues at our faculty defended successfully their habilitation thesis. Daniel Krenn, Department of Mathematics, received the venia docendi in Mathematics, and Annika Wille, Department of Mathematics Education, the venia docendi for Mathematics Education. The certificate was presented on June 17 by the Dean Gerhard Friedrich and the Vice Dean Clemens Heuberger.

Congratulations to our young colleagues for their excellent work and contributions to the field of Mathematics and Mathematics education!