“It turned out well.”

Paths are formed by being trodden. Denise Voci, having completed secondary school in the border town of Tarvisio, once dreamt of a life as a musician, before her path took her to Klagenfurt, where she studied Media and Communications Science. Today she works as a Predoc Scientist and is writing her doctoral thesis as part of an international project that explores cross-border media management.

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Beautiful, fit Instagram world

The way we perceive ourselves and our bodies is increasingly influenced by images in Social Media. Katrin Döveling, Department of Media and Communications Science, has studied which effects the use of Social Media has on one’s own body image and self-perception, and how online discussions about images of beauty frequently unfold. An appeal for media competence in the digital age.

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„Wenn man literarisch schreibt, muss man sich immer aufs Spiel setzen.“

Artur R. Boelderl fragt nach dem Wesen der Literatur. Mit ad astra hat er über körperliche und seelische Grenzerfahrungen bei Lesenden und Schreibenden gesprochen.

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How safe is safe enough?

Ein Gespräch über Medienverantwortung und Rechenschaftspflicht mit dem Kommunikationswissenschaftler Matthias Karmasin.

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