Life is for learning.

Johannes Liegl studied Informatics at the University of Klagenfurt and is now working as a Senior Product Manager in San Francisco Bay Area, California. In the interview, he talks about how his experiences abroad have shaped him and his advise for today’s students.

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Follow what interests you, and don’t be upset by setbacks

Harald Gietler has just finished his PhD in Technical Sciences, specializing in Information and Communications Engineering. His research work focuses on localization technology. Instead of radar or sonar, Harald uses electromagnetic fields. We talked to him about his field of research and the influence of artificial intelligence. Moreover, he also told us about the reasons why he decided to study at the University of Klagenfurt and why he would advise others to study in Klagenfurt too. Read more

Catching up with … Alice de Benetti

Alice de Benetti works as Global Search Marketing Manager at Swarovski. She talks to ad astra about how studying at two universities can work, how quickly markets change, and what happens when a university is open to everyone.

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Karrierewege powered by Artificial Intelligence

Let´s talk about robotics, cyber security and artificial intelligence.

The panel discussion „Karrierewege“ is an exchange and networking platform for students and graduates of the University of Klagenfurt. Successful graduates talk about their career paths, their practical experiences and give students individual tips and advice for their career planning.

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