The consequences of sexual violence

Sexual violence against women and girls is often used as an instrument of power at times of war and armed conflict. When women give birth as a result of sexual violence, the psychosocial effects are often exacerbated – not only for the mothers, but also for the children. Antonio Piolanti, an expert in Health Psychology, has delved into this issue and published two studies on the subject. 

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Lottery fantasies and the story of luck

Who does not dream of wealth and luck? An international research team, including Angela Fabris, a specialist in Romance languages, is investigating the emergence of national lotteries and of gambling fantasies in Europe from the 18th century to the present day.

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Tracking down hate speech

We are still a long way off from developing artificial life forms that can understand and communicate with humankind on all subjects, according to Michael Wiegand, computer linguist at the Digital Age Research Center (D!ARC) at the University of Klagenfurt. He specialises in the detection of hate speech and tells us what algorithms need to learn in order to reliably recognise insults.

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“I enjoy thinking logically.”

Melanie Siebenhofer likes to delve into complex mental challenges and hunt for the structure that lies behind various problems. The mathematician is currently working on her doctoral thesis which focuses on optimisation.

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