Einladung zum Workshop „Situated Cinemas“ am 08.06.2018

Im Namen von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anna Schober-de Graaf lade ich Sie herzlich zum Workshop „Situated Cinemas: Films and their Screening as Agents of Contemporary Participatory Democracy“ ein.

Der Workshop findet in Kooperation mit dem Architektur Haus Kärnten und im Rahmen der Architekturtage (www.architekturtage.at) statt:

Situated Cinemas: Films and their Screening as Agents of Contemporary Participatory Democracy

Workshop am 08.06.2018
L 4.1.01 Lakeside Park Haus B04

Cinema today creates a public presence in very varied social spaces: as a politicised film intervention, a socio-critical festival, but also as refugee cinema, as a themed summer party event, as a youth project or as a spectacle of aesthetic imperfection. In this workshop, the question will be posed regarding the global-local networks into which such cinematographic scenes fit in today, with which spatial and social conditions they connect in the process, and how existing urban or rural spatial situations are adapted and changed. Above and beyond this, questions will also be raised about the aesthetic manifestations of these cinema events, the consequent superimposition and mutual commentary of different media and artistic formats (film and fine arts, music and dance, photography and video) as well as aesthetic styles. A central focus of the event is on the role that such cinema situations play in the establishment of contemporary participatory democracies.

Der Workshop versammelt Filmemacher*innen, Kinoaktivist*innen sowie Filmtheoretiker*innen aus dem Alpen-Adria Raum (Italien, Slowenien, Österreich) sowie aus Großbritannien und Deutschland und ist auf Vernetzung im Forschungsbereich Kino und Öffentlichkeit hin ausgerichtet.
Er ist offen für alle Interessierten – wir bitten um Anmeldung zum Workshop per E-Mail an Martina [dot] Berger [at] aau [dot] at bis Montag, 04. Juni 2018.

Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse und Ihre Teilnahme!

Programm: Workshop Situated Cinemas