KARRIEREWEGE: Career paths in the field of artificial intelligence

Want to know about your professional future in the field of artificial intelligence?

The panel discussion ”Karrierewege“ is an exchange and networking platform for students and graduates of the University of Klagenfurt. Successful graduates talk about their career paths, their practical experiences and give students individual tips and advice for their career planning. On this occasion, we are diving headfirst into the rapidly growing field of artificial intelligence with all its advantages and challenges. The event will be held entirely in English and is open for all students of the University of Klagenfurt.

12 June 2024 | 5 pm – 7 pm | HS 1 | free of charge

We are delighted to welcome the following graduates to the podium:

Simon Breuss

Head of Software Development | Kestrel Eye

Marija Gojkovic

AI Researcher | Lakeside Labs
Information and Communications Engineering

Barbara Pedretscher

Group lead Applied Data Science & Statistics | Fraunhofer Austria
Doctoral programme in Technical Sciences | Technical Mathematics

Davide Righini

CEO & Co-founder | PiktID
Doctoral programme in Technical Sciences

Mohamed Salem

Senior R&D Specialist in AI/ML, Digitalization and CoDesign & Software Architect | Infineon Technologies
Information and Communications Engineering

Registration: alumni [at] aau [dot] at

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this semester’s edition of our panel discussion!

Klingelnde Eieruhren, rote Ohren und geforderte Stimmbänder

Am 10. April stellten 13 Kärntner Kleinbetriebe ihre Praktika im 3-Minuten-Takt vor. 60 Studierende lauschten und wurden im zweiten Teil der Veranstaltung aktiv. Sie stellten sich in 3-minütigen Sessions den regionalen Arbeitgeber:innen vor. 


Ready for a global career at OECD?

READY FOR A GLOBAL CAREER? 24th of April 2024 | 9 a.m. | Oman Hall

The OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – will present itself as a potential employer. Discuss your individual career opportunities!


Praktika in Kärntner Kleinbetrieben bieten großes Lernpotenzial

Praktika sind für Studierende meistens der erste Schritt ins Berufsleben und oft notwendig für den Studienabschluss. Die Suche nach dem passenden Praktikumsplatz kann zeitaufwendig und die Bewerbung bürokratisch sein. Es geht aber auch ganz unkompliziert: Komm zur #NEXT und hol dir in nur 3 Minuten dein Praktikum ab. 
