25 Apr.

Towards zero-waste computing by co-design

Veranstaltungsort: S.2.37 (Südtrakt, Universität Klagenfurt)

Abstract: “Computation” has become a massive part of our daily lives: in science, a lot of experiments and analysis rely on massive computation, in AI we use vast resources to train and use massive models, and in engineering we use complex simulations and digital twins to increase efficiency and productivity. Under the assumption that computation is cheap, and time-to-result is the only relevant metric, we often use significant computational resources at low efficiency. In this talk, I argue this approach is an unacceptable waste of computing resources, and demonstrate we can do better! By means of a couple of case-studies, I will show how performance engineering can be used for zero-waste computing, proving how efficiency and time-to-result can be happily married. I will further propose a co-design methodology that leverages such performance engineering methods to enable the selection of algorithms _and_ their effective deployment on suitable infrastructure. The approach relies on design-space exploration, driven by efficient search methods and compositional performance models. I will conclude by reflecting on the next steps and open questions that need answers to make this co-design approach feasible and applicable for more applications and systems.

25 Apr.

Building the Infrastructure Memex: VU on Operational Data Analytics in the 21st Century

Veranstaltungsort: S.2.69 (Südtrakt, Universität Klagenfurt)

Abstract: Our society has turned digital: From science to business, from online shopping to online gaming, from education to government, digital applications depend every moment on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure. To pilot this infrastructure and navigate through it, we need detailed information and decision-making support, provided on-time, cheaply, and reliably. (We briefly argue non-data-driven approaches are currently unable to cope with real conditions.) In this talk, we argue that Operational Data Analytics (ODA) can provide these capabilities, with advances not only in monitoring and observability, but also in data sourcing and ontology mapping, data cleaning and filtering, data characterization and modeling, and process management. Furthermore, we argue a digital twin, capable of simulating both the current conditions and making long-term predictions, should be integrated with the ODA system - providing an advanced form of A - to help with resource management and scheduling, pipeline optimization, energy awareness, general system tuning, capacity planning, etc. We present a reference architecture for ODA, a partial analysis of the state of the art, and experience with data collection and its use in the digital twinning of datacenters. This work aligns with and benefits from collaboration with the SPEC RG Cloud Group and, among others, the EU Graph-Massivizer project, and the OffSense and 6G Future Network Services projects in the Netherlands.

25 Apr.

Online Vortrag: OK mit KI im Unterricht!

Veranstaltungsort: https://classroom.aau.at/b/pir-6hn-ilf-jja (Online BBB Classroom)

In diesem praxisnahen Workshop werden Einsatzmöglichkeiten von KI im Unterricht vorgestellt und diskutiert. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Einfachheit der Tools. Es werden unter anderem folgenden Tools vorgestellt:• KI-Tools für Visualisierungen• KI-Tools, um Video- und Höraufgaben zu erstellen• KI-Quiztools zur Prüfungs- und Wiederholungsvorbereitung• KI-Tools zur Planung von Unterrichtseinheiten, Projektarbeiten• ChatGPT-Cheat Sheets (effizienter Einsatz von ChatGPT für die eigene Unterrichtsvorbereitung)• KI-Tools für das wissenschaftliche Schreiben HS-Prof. Univ.-Lektor Mag. Dr. Thomas Strasser ist Hochchulprofessor für Fremdsprachendidaktik und technologieunterstütztes Lehren & Lernen am Institut für Sekundarstufe Allgemeinbildung (I:SAB) an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Wien

25 Apr.

Feyerabend’s Farewell to Critical Rationalism – Gastvortrag von Matteo Collodel

Veranstaltungsort: HS 3

Zum 100. Geburtstag des Philosophen Paul K. Feyerabend laden das Karl-Popper-Archiv der Universitätsbibliothek und die Philosophische Gesellschaft Klagenfurt am Donnerstag, 25. April 2024 um 18 Uhr (HS 3), herzlich zum englischsprachigen Gastvortrag von Matteo Collodel (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) ein:Feyerabend‘s Farewell to Critical Rationalism: Chronicle of a Long GoodbyeBy combining the positive insights of past scholarship with the results of extensive research work on Feyerabend’s Nachlass, this lecture strives to illuminate Feyerabend’s enduring efforts to emancipate himself from the yoke of his intellectual bond to Popper.After his university studies in post-war Vienna and London, Feyerabend became known in academic philosophy in the second half of the 1950s for his contributions to the philosophy of quantum theory, developed in critical dialogue with Popper. Feyerabend’s philosophical breakthrough, however, came only in the first half of the 1960s, when he abandoned the philosophy of quantum theory due to the negative reception that his work had met and focused on the methodology of science. Reviving intuitions dating back to his formative years within a critical rationalist framework, Feyerabend advanced his research program of theoretical pluralism as an enhanced version of Popper’s falsificationism.Feyerabend’s novel position — which he had provisionally called “hedonism”, “anarchism”, “dadaism”, or “new liberalism” — was fully displayed under the rubric “epistemological anarchism” in his controversial book Against Method (1975), in which Feyerabend’s criticism of Popper also acquired vicious overtones. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Feyerabend explored the political implications of his anti-methodological perspective and targeted Popper and the Popperian School in increasingly vocal terms. Trying to dispel Popper’s suspicion concerning the totalitarian dangers inherent in it, Feyerabend emphasized the relativist component of his epistemological anarchism, outlining the political model of a pluralistic Free Society.